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OnBase - Coggle Diagram
• Keyword type: First Name
o Can be use for different document types.
• Keyword value: Ana María
• Important for retrieval, and easier search
• How a data mean something in OnBase
• There’s a option to create keyword types, you have to say:
o data type (str, int, float, etc)
o maximum length
o listas de validación
o default value
• You can assign keywords types to a document type
• By creating a document type, you can make an auto name putting the keywords in an standard disposition
Autoname Example
Data Types
How to decide if we use the keyword from a doc:
Is it used for searching?
Is it part of a business decision or process?
This keyword value is needed to relate items to each other.
Is its value needed for reporting? (price)
Needed for the visibility once you open the document.
Does it exist?
Is there a benefit by adding it?
Does it worth the cost? (more index, difficult management)
Once we create the keyword
o Data type?
o Max characters?
o Are there security considerations?
o Do we use a data set? (data set con los posibles campos existentes)
o Droop-down list? (lista de validación)
o Auto display? Auto completer
o Masking to insure consistency? Máscaras de entrada
o Upper case or mixed case? Usually, upper…
o Indexing automated or manual (auto filled)
o Can be more than one value?
Keyword type configuration
Data type:
Date, depends on the regional settings to determinate format for input and viewing
Number (up to 9)
Data stored: Cuando fue agregado el doc a onbase
Currency: Moneda format can be edited on keyword
Floating types
Alphanumeric: max len, igual que cadenas de caracteres, a más, más memoria consume.
There’re two different types of storage:
Single table: default setting,
Dual table: prevents redundancy (no se usa ahora)
Character case options:
Upper case values, most values for nomalización
Mixed case values, no recommendable
Data sets/drop down lists.
Rapidez llenando los valores de los metadatos
Data set:
• Limiting in terms of values available for selection
• Quickly select a value from a list
• Se crea un keyword, luego se pone la opción de use keyword data set, luego se guarda, luego se selecciona la palabra, se da DataSet y ahí ya se pueden incluir los valores, se puede añadir un .txt
• El usuario puede escribir lo que quiera allí (siguiendo el max len)
Drop down list:
• Allow drop list
• El usuario puede añadir el valor que quiera y este aparecerá después
• Por default está con multiples valores, se configura al crear el campo
Usage restrictions
Keyword value
Should it be unique?
Keyword must exist must select a value in the list (Data set)
o Display options
Auto display not in html. A penas se abre el document aparece un cuadro de dialogo con el valor del keyword.
• You can change the position while clicking on the document type
Invisible are not display in the document retrieval neither use for retrieval.
• It’s use just in indexing processes, workflows. (index, subir el doc)
LTR reading older left to right format (change depending on the language)
Masking (mascaras)
Correct format
Mask max 50 characters, can contains blank spaces, caracteres especiales.
Cannot apply to:
• Currency (moneda)
• Date & Time
• Floating point
Can be used for cellphone numbers.
With the keyword type selected we click masking then put the format according to the key
Full field entry require assure all the max characters
o The information button
While creating the keyword you’ll be able to use the info button. Once you create it you select it and select the info button
It will say:
• Auto Fill keyset
• Custom query
• Documentation distribution
• Document type
• Folder type
• Keyword type group
You can create a report for the items in the tree
o Throughout Keywords
o Use unique keywords (IDs)
o Mindset retorna menos elementos
o More is usually better than less.
o You cannot retrieval without using keywords or date
o Cuando se recuperan docs, se puede dar doble click sobre los keyword types y buscar mas de un element del dataset or drop-down list.
o Wildcard characters (truncadores)
* (one or several characters)
? (One character)
o Just results that a user has rights can be viewed.
o With that OnBase just must look for the values in one table
o Two types of keyword type groups:
Keyword type groups (single-instance keyword type group) (KTG)
• Collection of keyword types assigned as a whole document type.
• Can only have one instance of a keyword value, cannot have multiple values for a single keyword type FOR INSTANCE.
• Once it is created, you cannot append or remove keywords
o Now you can reorder but not remove
• Puede migrar a MIKGs
Multi-instance keyword type groups (MIKGs)
• Keyword type group that can be repeated
• Se recomienda tener una palabra clave llave
• Hay dos instancias de persona, con los mismos metadatos
• You can reorder and add
OnBase System Administration: Common Tasks
• In OnBase administration
• Change the manager default password.
o Users, select the manager user and change its password.
• Committing a batch (Confirmación de un lote)
o Copias en otros servidores para que no se pierda la información
o For OnBase to commit a batch necesita dentro del administrador/ processing/ COLD/ERM
o El lote despues de que sea committed, (tras dentro de COLD process darle clic derecho y commit) ya no se podrá eliminar el lote complete, elementos del lote sí, pero no complete el lote.
o If the batch is not committed there is not going to be any document’s copies
Verification Reports
o Se generan durante el procesamiento de los documentos (COLD, DIP, DRIP, etc)
o If the doc was processed correctly in onbase
o Identify errors occurred during the processing stage
o Document group = System document
o Document type: SYS verification reports
Checking locks
Insures only 1 user is modifying an item at a time
Doc locks
Process locks (find the user, está indexando)
Batch locks
Seleccionar el bloqueo y dar clic en remove selection
Igual en el admin/utilities
• Document imagine
o Awaiting index/right click/index documents
o Then it go to awaiting commit
o If it does not work it’ll be in the index in progress. It’s a queue that must be review
Right click/ purge the selected batch/se elimina completamente y toca Volver a escanear
Audit report
Date range
User group
User name
OnBase client
Admin/transaction logs/create report
What I want to know
Actions when people log in or log out specific user groups
TAbla donde muestra toda la información que quiera saber
It will save on system documents
• Scheduling a process
o Process format
Just one process
o Process job
One or more process formats run sequentially
Cualquiera de los dos procesos va a necesitar que se le indique la estación de trabajo y esta debe tener SCHED
Inside the cold process
• Commit with a schedule and automatize.
• Processing/process jobs all the jobs working sequentially.
• Configuration reports
o Reports/run all reports
You can select whichever you need
• Register a product to a workstation
o Necesarias para correr módulos
o Admin/user management/ workstation registration
o When selected shows all the products registered
Creating a new user, en OnBase configuration
Users/user names or pass/write it and create
User selected/user groups
Copy document types & user groups
o Similar keywords will have an started point
o Document/docs type/select one/copy/new name doc type
o Then you can modify in settings, group users, etc.
o FOR USERSUser/user groups and rights/select a group/copy/
• Create a personal page for a group of users
o Quick shortcut list acceso rápido para un grupo con lo que mas usan
o Users/user group/manager/privileges/personal page config checkbox (activate)/templates for personal (activate)
o Unity client file/admin/tile group admin/add new/name of the page
Adding your tiles
Workflows/group of users/right click/tile group/select the group just created
Other way= forms/click the group/personal page/tile group
File group diseño de los grupos de mosaico
Set up document retention
• Held for 7 years
• Destroys it
• Document/doc types/select doc type/ retention/ static or dynamic/ select the time/after de date of the doc or the date stored
• Allows to evaluate the documents
• Processors to look throughout them
Import/doc retention processor/digit the retention process name/if it is stativ should be purging process otherwise should be evaluation process with dynamic/accept/documents/the only docs that appear are the ones with retention policy/close/settings/keep history log
I can run this processor like COLD or DIP
Es un ECM
Enterprise Content Management
Framework (standard concepts, entorno de trabajo)
It’s a strategic framework and a technical architecture
Supports all type of content and format.
Throughout the content life cycle
Gestión de contenido empresarial
Take control of the contet
Share collaborate
Content which Work together and can be used separately
Transactional content management automatiza
Software + enterprise-wide strategy
Six major EMC activities
Documents in any format
OCR, optical character recognition
Potential keyword values
Depends on the organization rules and workflow.
Docs there when you need them
Outlook, mobile clients
Store, organize, view and track the info wherever and however.
Other apps
Docs available for retrieval
Visibility for business
Reports and make better decisions.
Analytic tools
Lead to better informed decision making
Preserve and protect
Database: (almacena los metadatos de los docs, SQL)
Store the relevant information for documents.
Metadata, config security, historical logging data.
Provides and index with the meaningful descriptors.
Index values, file storage locations, audit trail
Microsoft SQL server of Oracle.
File server: (almacena los documentos)
Store documents and disk groups.
Accessible for anyone with credentials
Its stored and organized according to business criteria.
Application server: (Hace el trabajo pesado de procesamiento de los procesos de OnBase para que el pc no sufra)
Provides access to OnBase
Security benefits
Load balancing
Do all the processing work instead of your workstation doing all the heavy lifting.
Web server (para acceder por la web a OnBase)
Provides users with secure, web based access to data stored in onbase from anywhere at any time
Connection types
OBDC: Open Database Connectivity
Authenticated connection that verifies only authorized elements to connect to the database, server determinate access
UNC: Universal naming connection
Also know as network
Network path, limit
Credentials for access
Data storage
Data file
App for the visualization
OnBase relies on disc groups (similar docs together), department
Copies and Backups
Multiples copies
Best practice: Two copies in different servers AND a copy in an off site or archive
UNC path
OnBase Security
o Data security can be controlled for the users
o Theres security keywords
o User groups rights, access to various resources
Normally there’re role-based groups. Specific functionalities
The security A user can be in various user groups.
for the user groups depends on the credentials from the user
o Security keywords
Limit a user o group, more control on access
Workflow it’s like a process that onbase does internally, like sent the doc to another person or save it somewhere.
Cola de producción, it’s the number of docs waiting for their review
Keyword: Helps to identify docs in the system. (valor atributo)
Keyword Type: keywords area assigned to each keyword type (atributo)
Document: Piece of Info. Can be retrieved using keywords that are associated with the doc.
Document types: Classify docs with similar characteristics. (cv)
Document types group, logical grouping of docs types, often organized by department.
Unity client: easy to use interface, combines onbase client and accessibility of web client:
OnBase Client: fast and powerful processing and retrieval capabilities
Web Client: access onbase solution from anywhere
Remote employees
Run lean and clean
Minimize others
Easier to use
Mobile devices
Retrieve information, desde la app web el cliente busca utilizando unos metadatos, estos pasan al webserver luego van al app server, luego pasa al database donde busca los metadatos y aquella coincidencia le pasa al app server la ubicación del archivo, luego con la ubicación se pasa al file server y una vez allí se toma el doc y se lo pasa al cliente.