Structure of making THE tortilla
Order of putting the tortilla together
Prepping for the tortilla
Eating the tortilla
Wash vegetables
Put the toasted tortilla bread onto the plate
add sauces
spread out the sauces (optional)
add vegetables and meat
fold the tortilla
Pick up tortilla
smell tortilla
bite chunk with teeth
oops it was too hot, you died.
Choose seed for specific vegetable
plant it in a garden or nearby land
make sure to water it
use to make tortilla
Take a vegetable
mash it
mix with spices
add milk
add other 'healthy' liquids
put in tortilla
Go to your nearest science lab
use a special muscle tissue
technique to make artificial meat
take it home
use it in tortilla!
Fry/toast tortilla
Chop vegetables
Turn on your stove to apropriate temperature
put chosen pan on stove
put butter on pan
wait for butter to melt
put tortilla in pan
wait for tortilla to get toasted
flip tortilla with bare hands to toast other side
put in plate
Take chosen vegetables
turn your foset to appropriate temperature
To avoid burning your hands
turn of foset to save water
Take washed vegetables
put them on a cutting board
take sharp knife
cut vegetable
Motivational tortillas
dunno what to do with ur tortilla? Read this!
For Santi the croisant and jimena the girl
Noor and Sukaina