The Islamic Worldview: Glimpses on studies and definitions

Definition of the islamic worldview

Al-Tawhid as a key element in the definition and conceptualization of Islamic Worldview.
A vision of life where "Islam provides man with a comprehensive world-view that rooted in a coherent system of ideas and beliefs that impart strength and consistency, a logic and vitality to the faith".

Prof. Naquib Al-Attas has argued that there is an inseparable link between the seen and unseen aspects between the present world realities and hereafter ones.

analysis of the concept of the Islamic wordlview

Al-Tawhid or unity of God as a vision of existence and vicegerency

Islamic vision is a metaphysical survey and revealed knowledge that aspires towards clearing the confusion and setting the truths about existence

deals mainly with existence in its totality which includes the seen and unseen worlds

non-dialectical nature of the Islamic worldview and non-historicity of its source which is revealed as complete and comprehensive text providing clear and profound interpretations about the truth of existence

A collective vision of life and vicegerency

collective Ummatic vision of existence through which the Muslim interprets and provides answers to ultimate questions pertaining to the Creator , existence of the seen and unseen, universe ,life, man, prophethood ,vicegerency ,, society , history and the hereafter life.

this vision constructed in the course of the Muslim mind's exertion of ijtihad and interaction with reality ,circumstances and socio-cultural conditions in light of the guidance and teachings of Islam aiming at excelling in all his pursuits of life, as a vicegerent of Allah on earth.

Islamic worldview belongs to the ummah that agreed, throughout the course of history,to abide by the Qur'an, Sunnah and the consensus of the ummah to uphold this vision of life and pass it to all generations

deals with existence in its totality that includes the seen and unseen worlds.

Muslim interaction with life and reality in light of and in accordance with the teachings of Islam

Observations on how should we Understand and Approach the Islamic Worldview

Type of vision of life that the Islamic worldview offers to mankind

Islamic worldview as religion, state, society and civilization

The comprehensive nature of the Islamic worldview and its subject matter

A comprehensive Structure of Integrated Knowledge

the knowledge of existance of God, universe, life, man, angels...(seen & unseen worlds)

hereafter, accountability, heaven and hell fire (Eschatology)

death and life

Belief system, shariah, ethics, wisdom


Prophethood, relevation, scriptures, miracles and guidance

vicegerency, method, trust, trial, da'wah, `umran and tamaddun

Pre-measurement and predestination

patterns and laws of Allah in history, society and cosmos







Prophet Hood

Vicegerency (History/Culture/Civilization)

The Islamic Worldview Manifestations: As Religion, State, Society and Civilization

The View of Society in the Islamic Worldview

The View of State in the Islamic Worldview

The Perspective on Religion in the Islamic Worldview

The Islamic Worldview as a Civilization

A Vision of Life & Perfection

contributes to the construction of civilization through the following:

Islamic civilization means the translation of the Islamic worldview into developed political, social, economic, educational, cultural, scientific, agricultural, architectural and aesthetic systems, which manifest the spiritual, material, moral and intellectual dimensions of Islam in a human contect

Personal development of the Muslim including the construction of a good Muslim personality that contributes to the development of intellectual, spiritual, social, moral and leadership aspects of Muslim personality

scientific and intellectual development, including the production of the very sophisticated body human knowledge which was behind the overarching achievement of Islamic civilization in fields like, Fiqh, jurisprudence, chemistry, mathematics, algebra, medicine, philosophy, arts and literature, calligraphy and architecture

Muslim learns from the Islamic worldview that "everything that happens in the world does so by His commands, by His action

provides man with a civilizational vision to assist him in achieving excellence and perfection in his material, social, cultural, economic, political, and aesthetical endeavors

provides legal and legislatives injunction for the running of human affairs and judging of human acts

explains the ethical system necessary for balance and stability in human life

explains theological matters pertaining to the belief system and matters of faith and worship

explains the epistemological rules and principles that need to be considered while dealing with the issues of existence and life

tells men about the cosmos and cosmological truths and patterns

Islamic worldview provides many guidelines and principles pertaining to the affairs of state and government. issues such as shura system, social justice, the distribution of power and wealth, equality, freedom, right of citizens in the Muslim society... etc

one can refer to the four basic elements of any state as portrayed in the contemporary constitutional law compared with the practices of the Prophet. The four elements is Land, People, Leadership and Constitution

The construction of balanced Muslim society that includes: political leadership, social institutions, educational institutions, public welfare institutions, judicial institutions and the military institutions reflect the nature and social aspirations of the Islamic worldview

To construct a balanced human society, which stands for equality and justice among the difference races living therein

Understand the five pillars of Islam which are shahādah, salāt, zakāt, fasting and hajj for those who have the financial and physical ability and strength

A person has to pronounce the shahādah which means to acknowledge verbally that he/she accepts Allāh as the only Creator, Legislator and Sovereign and there is no other God except Allāh (S.W.T) and followed by pronouncing that Muhammad (s.a.w) ia the messenger of Allāh (S.W.T)