Volume, V = This is most likely place for you to go wrong when you use this equation. That's because the SI unit of volume is the cubic metre, m^3 - not cm^3 or dm^3. 1m^3 = 1000 dm^3 = 1000000 cm^3. So you are inserting values of volume into the equation, you first have to convert them into cubic metres. You would have to divide a volume in dm^3 by 1000, or in cm^3 by a million. Similarly, if you are working out a volume using the equation, remember to convert the answer in cubic metres into dm^3 or cm^3 if you need to - this time by multiplying by a 1000 or a million. If you get this wrong, you are going to end up with a silly answer, out by a factor of a thousand or a million. So it is usually fairly obvious if you have done something wrong, and you can check back again.