Atticus reveals that it was likely Mayella’s father Bob who beat her
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Atticus gets Mayella to agree that her father is hard to live with when he’s drinking
Atticus shows the court that Mayella isn’t clear about her story of Tom assaulting her
Atticus outright asks Mayella if it was Tom or her father who beat her.
bob and mayella lied to cover up the fact that bob beat mayella. this represents a toxic relationship between bob and mayella.
Scout stops the mob by talking to Walter Cunningham
The mob comes to the jail because they want to lynch Tom
Atticus stands in their way
The kids appear, and Scout talks to Mr. Cunningham. She’s confused about why he won’t answer her
scout was brave enough to stand up for her dad when Mr. Cunningham showed up. she was kind to mr cunningham but strict at the same time.
Jem and Scout walking home from the pageant and are attacked
Bob Ewell attacked the kids
Boo Radley saved them
Jem broke his arm because Bob tried to wring it off
bob was mad at atticus so he went after his kids
Scout, Jem and Dill watch the trial from the balcony with the black community
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They snuck into the court
As they watch, Jem is confident that Atticus will win the case for Tom
Dill becomes so upset by Mr. Gilmer approach to cross examining Tom that he runs out of the courthouse crying
Scout feels sorry for Mayella when he sees her on the stand, thinking she’s the “loneliest person she’s ever seen” next to Boo Radley
Jem and Scout snuck into the courtroom even tho atticus told them not to. this represents the theme because even though atticus said no, the kids still went knowing atticus wouldn't be that mad. that shows the atticus doesn't pay much attention to his kids, so they can do things without him knowing about it.
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