Walter coming to dinner at the Finch’s
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Scout got a spanking because she disrespected Walter
Walter was called out by Scout for pouring syrup over his dinner
Scout was mad at Calpurnia for spanking her
Jem invited Walter to dinner because Scout fought Walter at school on their first day over a misunderstanding
Scout stops the mob by talking to Walter Cunningham
Atticus reveals that it was likely Mayella’s father Bob who beat her
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Atticus gets Mayella to agree that her father is hard to live with when he’s drinking
Atticus shows the court that Mayella isn’t clear about her story of Tom assaulting her
Atticus outright asks Mayella if it was Tom or her father who beat her.
Atticus has shown the court that Bob is the likely suspect because he’s left handed, and Mayella’s injuries were on her right side
Bob maintains while he is on the stand that Tom raped Mayella–he’s a terrible father compared to Atticus
Jem and Scout walking home from the pageant and are attacked
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Bob Ewell attacked the kids
Boo Radley saved them
Jem broke his arm because Bob tried to wring it off
Scout and Boo bond over meeting each other for the first time
Bob tried to stab Scout with a kitchen knife
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He ultimately caves, tells her that he’ll say hi to his son for her, and calls the mob to leave the scene
The kids appear, and Scout talks to Mr. Cunningham. She’s confused about why he won’t answer her
Atticus stands in their way
The mob comes to the jail because they want to lynch Tom
Because it is showing that Scout is acting like a kid and is not thinking before she talks.
It shows that children can be wrong and lie. But they can also help people and can tell the truth.
That Bob is not a good father and he doesn't treat his kids right. And he is not mature enough to be a father. And the kids are going to end like him.
It show that you don't always have to be involved in you parents business. And that you should always mind your own business.