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DCSD data collection experience - Coggle Diagram
DCSD data collection experience
Day to Day Process
Admin + Hybrid Team
1 expert
Use Julota
1 expert
High level things: Inventory keeping, record keeping, track of equipment/communication systems
Successful data points:
strong track record of safety, able to reduce visits to the hospital, increased visits to other community supports, arrest rates
Data used for: planning ahead, budgeting, improving pilot programs
Online Dashboard
Clinical supervisors check it a couple of times a week to track individual pilot programs
Get direct information from CAD and Emergency PD
use ProQA - call takers do
Use caller statement, any descriptive questions, etc. to inform them before going out
Usually gives CRT enough information to address a situation
Sometimes all they need to do is give a face to the data
Collection of data
Helps to push for greater change so that people don't come to these types of needs
Use CAD and Julota
- "EHR" for first responders
info stored/builds profiles for Neighbors- grows as rapport with neighbor increases
For staff:
asks about if they felt safe on collect, space for perceived demographics, personal experience, emotional stress, etc.
What were neighbors needs, any connection to resources they received, etc.
Internal - not a public record
Different questions by role such as clinician or CRT team lead
CAD is public record
CAD info gets imported into Julota system and attaches the call to a name if already a profile exists
collects information such as if something signifcant was done, if used supplies to help someone breather, use of Narcan, etc. --> goes to county level to ensure EMT is treating people appropriately when dispatched (part of legal agreement)
Work with police, get radioed, respond to calls, use computer dispatch system in the car, drive there ,
look at notes during drive
Successful data points:
CoR positive interactions with neighbors, decline in incarceration or justice system involvement, less hospitalization, and building trust with the police
“I think we're very data driven, which, nothing wrong with that, right. I think we can be reflective in ways of like, the practices that we're doing like in the field, are they effective? Are these pilot programs effective"
Get surveys from admin for feedback
Data collection
police officers don't have access
answer a lot of questions to support in data collection
ex) was there use of force used on scene? did you provide transportation? Did you provide resources? Did you give out any items? Did you connect them to care? - Anise pulls data to compare to external sources prior to DCSD/HEART
done on computers
filling out - easy calls are 5 minutes, 20-30 minutes if longer calls
CN serves as a bridge to community resources
Staff feels same support in dept that they provide Neighbors
Barriers/ Challenges
Admin + Hybrid Team
Time consuming,
some days or weeks a lot of time is spent on data collection and evaluation
"sometimes it takes over everything" [appears frustrating for admin]
Limited Experts:
1 person with CAD expertise and 1 person with Julota expertise
No dedicated role
Quantitative data not always indicator of success - only part of the picture
Uncertainty of data:
question if Julota data is accurate in capturing the needs of neighbors
Capturing full story in data has/will always be difficult
Still not where they would like to be - a lot of improvement needed
Sometimes with prep meeting - it's nothing like what was described or what they imagined
Neighbor characteristics: some neighbors are sensitive to technology that may hinder the ability to take notes on the scene
Note taking - everyone does it differently - but it's a skill that has to be developed
Rapid Growth
- moving too quickly, not stopping to assess if pilots are working
Difficult speaking up during meetings
(lack of comfort)
A lot of questions
(used to have 5ish not 10-15)
"I think we have too many questions. But I know the purpose of it is for data."
Not all responders use Julota
(i.e. PD and EMS)
Julota not the best for CN work specifically
- for multiple follows ups, probably better database to use to be able to track in an easier way and really see what CN is doing - but those things are expensive
Julota Time consuming
- data process and collection takes time and is cumbersome. Little things to get captured that CN does
Collecting demographic data is awkward
- too clinical when working in front of the neighbors and trying to get the information directly from them
Cultural and/or Language differences:
asking about "gender" may be strange for certain individuals
Data is not that important to collect when someone is in crisis
Don't like the questions
- what other needs has the team identified?
“that question doesn’t matter to me, because it’s not a need that the Neighbor identified”
Recommendations/ Metrics Wish list
Admin + Hybrid Team
Community feedback mechanism
- from neighbors and from community partners - know and understand needs
specialized role
for data collection
Build Redundancies
- within staff with data skills/ technical expertise - more cross training (?)
Be intentional about Growth:
keeping balance with what is and should be collected at neighbor, community, staff, and department level
For admin to
continue checking
in and monitoring staff safety (another form of data collection)
Need reliable way to connect
or get in touch with Neighbors
Note taking training
Metrics wishlist: diversion from arrest: how many were diverted from police or ED?
Reflection on Data
- is what they are doing in the pilot programs working? Need time to see if data shows it works. Too many changes at the moment
Continue with anonymous surveys
(since it's hard to open up about certain things) - related to schedules, general changes, etc.)
More Managers:
to work on interpersonal stuff
Increase access to Julota
- for other first responders
: Have the role evolved as the need arises: such as increased call volume
More Purposeful question
Less not more
Most helpful information is situational - straight to the point, what is their crisis? What do they need?
Info should be in the Neighbor's words of what they say they need
Add a question that asks if they are interested in CN's services. Already exists but would like to have something more to go off of as CN - need to figure out how to best use or implement this information
More Trainings on Note takin
g - would be useful
Continue with intentional check-ins with staff
Weekly meetings are useful
- consistently discussing how implementation and data collection processes can be improved, as well as daily discussions within individual team
Staff continue to make space for mental health
What works Well
quick notes on phone when at the scene - can document more thoroughly after
Prioritizing calls over note taking
colleagues help with data collection or other help when needed
Taking notes after call so it's fresh in mind
CN can collect more info during follow up
Can provide feedback trhough personal experiences in the community and can talk to admin directly
Julota is user friendly - no major complaints
Care Navigation Referrals - quick to do. attached to the record of a Neighbor.
Julota works well...for
Emphasizes role of data collection in helping to indicate the extent of the unmet need for housing/mental health resources in the city- garnering support for additional funding
Thinks that current
does an "outstanding" job of managing data collection