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functionalist theorys of the family - Coggle Diagram
functionalist theorys of the family
primary soicalisation of children
The family is the first place in which children learn about societys norms and values. Parents teach their childrens norms such as eating whith a knife and fork and values such as being polite.
He says al children are socialised effectivly and have a happy childhood, ignoring issues such as child poverty. This causes finantial stress , having a negative effect on the family relationships.
stabelisation of adult personalitys
The family is a place where adults cn relax and relewase tensions, enabeling them to return to the work plce refreshed and ready. Marital parners provide eachother with emotional support and parenting allows them to enjoy hte childish sides of their personalitys. This all helps the economy to run smoothly
However, this ignores the dark side of the family. For example domestic abuse which increased substancially in covid lockdowns. Therfore the family was not a warm bath for all
instremental and expressive role
Instremental-breadwinner male provides money for the family. Other duties include controling the family finance and making big desisions
Expressive - housewife and cargivver. Other duties include caring for the elderly relitives and the emotional work. For example, cooking husbands facourate tea and comfoting hte children when they have a nightmare.
A03- Today attitudes are changing , a womans role is no longer restricted to the home and men are more frequently taking onthe caregiving role. He alos ignores the roles of same sx couples whos roles arnt based on biological differences. Instead the roles are flexible and disided by the couples themselves
sexual regulation
adults can satisfy their sexual needs in a socialy aproved wat (marrage)
give birth to the next generation
performs primary socialisation-teaching children societys shared norms and values
provide food and shelter for family members
A03- Outdated and irrelevent in the 21is century as Murdock says the nuclear family is the only effective structure. Fails to consider family divercity and that other family structures can and do perform the four functions he outlined