
how they were made

why do they erapt

whats the mosts pupulor valcno eatrh


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Magma rises from the hot spots and erupts as lava through cracks in the Earth's surface forming volcanoes. As a plate moves slowly across a hot spot, a chain of volcanoes or volcanic islands can form.

. The word “volcano” comes from the Roman name “Vulcan”.

There are more than 1500 active volcanoes on Earth.

Mauna Loa in maimai

There are about 1,350 valcanoes In the world

The melted rock, or magma, is lighter than the surrounding rock and rises up. This magma collects in magma chambers, but it is still miles below the surface. When enough magma builds up in the magma chamber, it forces its way up to the surface and erupts, often causing volcanic eruptions.

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The Dr. Binocs show valcno

Learn Bright Valcano facts

KidsMathTV valcano facts

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The bigest valcano on earth is Mauna Loa in Hawaii.

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nathinoal geographics valcano facts

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lava can get up to 1,250° Celsius.

The Tambora, Indonesia valcano killed the most people in world out of all the other valcanoes it happend in 1815 92,000 thousand people died of starvation because the valcano killed all the animals

On land, volcanoes form when one tectonic plate moves under another. Usually a thin, heavy oceanic plate subducts, or moves under, a thicker continental plate. When this happens, the ocean plate sinks into the mantle.

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volcanoes are made from magma which is inside of Earth. when The magma pushes itself through the Earth, it travels through the earths crust. Once the lava erupted onto Earths surface it cools down and becomes a volcano.