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PLAN 2006 Exam - Coggle Diagram
PLAN 2006 Exam
Week 2
Geospatial Data
Geospatial data is a place + attribute + time
Locations, descriptions of geographic features; a combination of spatial data and descriptive data.
Geospatial data. can be linked to other non-spatial datasets. (Time is optional)
Estimates are that 80% of all data has. a spatial component.
How is it collected?
Geospatial data is collected with survey techniques, aerial photography and remote sensing, GPS, Geo-coding and databases, digitizing & scanning.
Survey Techniques
Defining the location of a point in our environment.
Location is relative
Determining new positions with respect to existing reference features.
Measuring. angles & distances from geodetic control points.
Aerial Photography
Topographic map compilation
Resource inventories
Large areas in great detail.
Remote Sensing
The science of deriving information about the earth from images acquired at a distance.
Methods: aerial photography, radar, satellite imaging.
Global Positioning System:
Satellite-based navigation system
24 orbiting satellites
originally intended for military
Made available to all in the 1980s
Worksin any. weather, anywhere on earth, 24/7.
Satellites circle earth twice a day (7000 miles/hour)
transmit information to earth
GPS receivers use information to calculate location (extremely accurate)
Geocoding & Databases
A method of attaching spatial locations to datasets
Often done with addresses
Can be used with any database containing a locational attribute
Scanning & Digitizing
Create vector data from images
Hard-copy maps, aerial photographs
Digitizing tables, graphics packages
Scanning & georeferencing
Types of GIS data
Must use predefined resolution, efficient for storying dense datasets, deals poorly with linear features, only one attribute value per layer.
Types of Raster Data
Thematic Rasters: Represent geographical features or phenomena of discrete or continuous data.
Continous Thematic Rasters
Geographical phenomena that may vary at each location
Every cell could potentially have a unique value: Ex: elevation, Temperature, cell phone signal strenght.
Discrete Thematic Rasters
Categorical data, well-defined boundaries, depending on type it may have. associated values.
Image Rasters: Pictures produced by optical or electronic devices (cameras, satellites, scanners).
Produced from optical or electronic devices.
Typically require interpretation of the data
Made up of cells/pixels
Cells Size
Can be any size you define. Smaller ceells have higher resolution (less. generalization), but the smaller the cell size means larger file size and longer analysis times.
Larger cells have less resolution (more generalization)
Efficient for use and storage of sparse datasets, tends to be more precise / higher resolution, deals well with exact boundaries, processing times can be high with complex datasets.
Two types of Map Scale
Large-scale: covers a small area in more detail
Small-scale: covers a large area in less detail
Scale issues:
Many data sources = data at many different scales, this is common and poses challenge for interpretation & analysis.
File Formats:
What is a File Fromat:
File format is the mechanism of how. data is stored on the computer, it indicates to the system where to look for various pieces of information.
Format is important. as not all GIS read all types of formats.
What do/can GIS formats include?
Geographic Information: Where data is located and its shape
Attribute inforamtion: additional non-spatial data
Display information: How features will display on screen.
Vector Formats:
ESRI Formats:
Shape files (.SHP)
- A set of related files that have the same name but different extensions (.shp, .shx, and .dbf)
ESRI is the standard so other software knows how to deal with it.
: Size limitations (2Gig), holds only vector data, no topology, only holds simple geometries (points, lines polygons)
ESRI Formats:
- A mechanism to put many layers or themes into a single file system (File or Personal).
There are 3 kindsL Personal geodatabases. (.mdb), File geodatabase - directory, ArcSDE geodatabases - uses. external RDBMS.
Think of it like a container used. to hold all the colleciton of datasets.
: It. is proprietary format (only ESRI can fully read it).
: Keeps all of your data together (shapefiles only have 1 dataset. in. it) Size limits. are bigger in file/ArcSDE geodatabases, they can hold both simple and complex. geometries, both rasterand vector. data, and multiple people looking at same data at once, its also faster and better compression then shapefiles.
Raster Formats
ESRI Internal Format: Grid, ASCII - needs. to be converted (.TXT, .ASC), other supported formats. = TIFF, JPEG.
Most accurate representation of the. earth
Not practical for most applications due to size, lack of detail, only one side. of the earth is visible at one time.
A. model of the shape of the earth that is approximately the shape of. a sphere (flattened at the poles)
The primary use is to locate position (it is a requirement. for position in GIS)
One way. to measure the shape of the earth.
Spheroids/ellipsoids can be used to represent the earth. Many. There are many different spheroids/ellipsoids.
With coordinate systems, datums specify which spheroid/ellipsoid is being used to model the earth.
A measurement base model of the shape of the earth based on gravitational pull
Its primary use is for specifying terrain or other heights.
it is one way to
the shape of the earth.
They do not look perfectly spherical, they have rough surface.
Coordinate Systems
Also known as reference systems: tell use where features (points, lines, polygons or raster is located)
Data is defined by both horizontal and vertical coordinate. systems.
horziontal - north - south and east - west tell locate data accross surface of the earth.
Vertical coordinate system - locate relative height or depth of data.
Known location used to determine feature locations: 2 types: geographic, projected.
Geographic CS
Used for 3D (sphere or globe), locations define by latitude, and longitude, usually measured in decimal degrees.
Longitude and latitude are angles measured from the earths centre to a point on the earths surface.
Latitude lines are parallel and run east to west
and around the earths surface, and measure distances. from. north and south of the equator.
Longitude lines run north and south
, around the earths surface and intersect at the poles, measures distances east and west.
Prime Meridian
A line of longitude. designated as 0 degrees east and west, to which all other meridians are referenced. Today the prime meridian runs through the Royal Observatory in Greenwhich England.
Projected CS
Used for 2D (maps), locations defined by X and Y measured from origin (0,0), usually in metres, sometimes feet.
Represent the round earth on a flat surface
Changing from round to flat results in distortion (This is unavoidable)
Every map. has distortion: map of small area - less distortion, map of large area - greater distortion
Choosing a map projection means choosing your distortion: Shape, Area, distance, Direction.
Only.a globe can preserve all four
Types of Projected Coordinate Systems
Map projection tend to be classified in 2 ways: Shape (how they were created) and properties.
Projected Coordinate System Shape Classes
There are 4 main classes: Cylindrical, Conic, Azimuthal/Planar and other.
Cylindrical Projection
Features: Straight Parallels and meridians that meet at right angles. Good for navigation. If mapping the world in this projection there is significant distortion toward the poles. Best known projection of this type is Mercator.
Conic Projection
Feautres: Parallels are represented as circular arcs. Meridians. are represented as straight radiating lines, Typically used for mid-latitudes (for maps of Canada)
Azimuthal/Planar Projection
Features: Most often used at the poles.
Can be sub-classified depending. on where the perspective is. Gnomonic - from the centre of the earth, Stereographic - from. the opposite pole. Orthographic - from an infinite point in space.
Other Projections
Robinson, Sinusoidal, Bipolar Oblique Conic Conformal
Projected Coordinate Systems Property Classes:
(4 main classes)
Equal Area
: correctly shows the
of a feature.
: Correctly shows the
of features (A map can not be both equal area or conformal - it can only be one; or the other; or neither)
: Correclty shows
distance between
two features.
True Direction
: Corrcetly shows the direction between two features.
Seleciting a Projected Coordinate System
Choosing a map projection: Ask yourself what is the purpose of this map. Decide on a class of projection: tropical region - cylindrical, middle latitude - conic, polar region - azimuthal
Network. of intersecting lines called a graticule
Latitude and longitude
Measure of angle from earths centre to. a point on the surface
Measurement expressed in degrees, minutes, seconds or decimal degrees
goal is locational accuracy
Uses grid with an x and y axis
latitude and longitude converted. (projected) to planar coordinates.
Locations ar emeasured with an x and y value from a point of origin.
Goal is accurate analysis (measure distance, caluclate area, shortest distance)
Changing Coordinate Systems
ArcMap has "on-the-fly projection"
This method of projection works - as long as your datasets share the same geographic coordinate system. If there. isn;'t misalignment may occur.
Week 1
What is GIS?
GIS = Geographic Information System
Computer hardware, software, geographic data is. used to capture, maange, analyse and display.
Geographically reeferenced information
With GIS you can link information, layer information. and choose what layers to combine to answer questions.
GIS information is organized into 3 types of features.
Lines (minimum 2 points)
Polygons (Multiple lines connected together)
One coordinate pair, 2 coordinate pairs or more, one or more lines whose start and end coordinate pairs are the same.
How is GIS information organized?
Features have: Location, shape, symbol
Features grouped. in layers have same shape and same characteristics. They are located within the same geographic extent.
Contain features located within the same boundary.
Each represents a distinct "theme"
Are drawn on top of each other to create an informative gis map
Polygons: objects within boundaries, ex: countries, building footprints, lakes
Lines: objects too narrow to be polygons, ex: streets, rivers, telephone lines.
Points: objects too small to be polygons, ex: cities, trees, hospitals.
Feature attributes
Types of categories or information
stored. in attribute tables
Each feature is a record or row; each attribute is a column or field
Same layer, same attribute table
Features are linked to attributes. by.a unique numerical identifier (ID)
Every feature has an ID, one-to-one relationship between feature, identifier and attribute record.
Other Tools
: Ensure spatial analyist license is on. Allows you to find where a place is visible. from.
Raster to Polygon
: Converts a raster layer to a polygon (Do not use simplified, it will give inaccurate numbers).
Raster Calculator
: Use statements to calculate a new raster layer from other layers.
: Reclassifies the value of the raster (Ex: change it from o to a 1, etc.).
: A hypothetical illumination of a surface represented by shadows on a map that simulate the effect of the sun's rays and created a 3D effect on the map.
: How. fast the vertical height. is changing
Week 8
Types of Functions
Local Functions: The computation of an output raster where the output value at each location is a function of the input value at the same location.
Focal Functions: The computation of an output raster value at each cell location is a function of the values of the cells within a specified neighborhood around the cells.
Zonal Functions: Creation of output rasters in which the computation of the desired function occurs on the cell values from the input value raster that intersect or fall within each zone of a specified input zone or dataset.
Raster Calculator
Output = Input_Equation
Elevation_m = [Elevation_cm] / 100
Angle_Layer = cos([Input_layer])
Sum_Layer = [Layer1 + Layer2]
Slope_Layer = slope([Elevation_Layer], degree)
Max_Elev_Value = zonalmax([zone_grid], [Elevation])
A mechanism to improve display performance for raster data. ArcGIS creates a number of lower resolution data. Pro shows the lower resolution best suited to that display but any analysis done on the full resolution data NOT the pyramid data.
Raster to Polygon tool
Con tool (Conditional statements)
Slope tool
Reclassify tool (Change the values for rasters, ex: 1 is good 0 is bad).
Cell Values
Zones: Groups of cells that have the same value, which may or may not be adjacent.
Regions: Groups of cells that have the same value and are adjacent.
Week 9
Vector Data Structures
Node: Start and end points
Vertex/Vertices: Provide shape of the line.
All nodes and vertices have X and Y coordinates, which are pegged to a coordinate system.
Z value if elevation is also included.
Conversion Error
Data source issues
Map/Imagery Resolution
Original map resolutions or land survey sets the resolution (+ or - error) of precisions and accuracy.
Other issues with the data include year, and season it is taken from.
Turning reality into a map means digitizing to make GIS data, the accuracy of digitizing is limited by a number of factors related to the source (ex: human error)
Digitizing can result in numerous errors including dangle nodes (unconnected) and sliver polygons.
Ortho-rectified imagery (orthophotos) are georeferenced using mathematical models of photogrammetry for removal of tilt, terrain, atmospheric and other digital image distortions.
Accuracy and Precision
Is the degree to which information on a map or in a digital database matches true or accepted values.
Is an issue pertaining to the quality of errors contained in a dataset or map.
Horizontal and vertical accuracy in GIS databases, geographic position, attribute, conceptual, logical accuracy.
Refers to the level of measurement and exactness of description in a GIS database.
Precision locational data may measure position to a fraction of a unit.
Even the most precise data may be inaccurate.
Data lineage or Sources of Interpolation vs Lidar.
Geodetic Elevations: When people make measurements on the ground by hand.
Lidar elevations: Taken with airplane photos or satellites, highly accurate.
Week 6
Census vs Survey
: Census is required to be filled (by law) every 5 years. Surveys are not required.
Census Data
Everyone submits biological sex, gender identiy, age, marital status, first language in childhood
Estimated from 20% of population: Disabilities, ethnic origin, language, religion, mobility, education, occupation, income, residence.
What data is collected in Census
Look at population at a set point in time.
Determine representation in parliament.
Used in approximately 80 different pieces of legislation.
Census Boundary Defenitions
Census Division (CD)
Group of neighbouring municipalities joined together for the purpose of regional planning and managing common servcies *like police or ambulance). A Census Division might correspond to a county, regional municipality, or regional district.
Census Subdivision (CSD)
Area that is a municipality or an area that is deemed to be equivalent to a municipality for statistical reporting purposes. Municipal status is defined by laws in effect in each province and territory in Canada.
There are 18 CD's and 96 CSD's in Nova Scotia.
Dissemination Area (DA)
A small relatively stable geogrpahic unit with an average population of 400 to 700 persons. It is the smallest standard geographic area for which all census data are disseminated.
Dissemination Blocks (DB)
A block is an area bounded on all sides by roads, and/or boundaries of standard geographic areas. The block is the smallest geographic area for which population and dwellings counts are disseminated.
Aggregate Dissemination Area (ADA)
Cover the entire country, with population between 5000-15000. They are created from existing Dissemination Areas. There are 152 ADA in Nova Scotia.
Census Tract (CT)
Area that is small and relatively stable, population less than 10000. Located in large urban centers that must have an urban core population of 50,000 or more.
Week 5
Colour: Dimensions and vocabulary
: The colour dimension described by different wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum; associated with differences in kind (qualitative).
: How bright a colour appears overall.
: How light or dark a colour appears vs. black and white, Ex: Yellow has the brightest brightness, but the lowest value compared to white.
: Perceived amount of white; single hue progression. Ex: From white to Red.
: For a given hue, the perceived percentage of grey (how washed out it is.).
Colour: Theory and models
Additive / subtractive colour models
RGB - Red, green, blue.
Used on computer screens, televisions, it is additive since to make white you have to add all colours.
CMYK - Cyan, magenta, yellow "black"
Used for printing books, magazines, etc. It's subtractive since to make white you add no colour.
Common Colour Problems:
Colour Connotations
Simultaneous Contrast
Visual Difference
Different Viewers
Figure/ground (visual hierarchy)
Different qualitative/quantitative data need unique representation, make some things pop and others recede. Helps the viewer organize the elements of an image.
: The primary focus of the map or image.
: The background, stage on which the figure 'sits'.
Creating visual hierarchy
Contrast value/saturation/chroma
Contrast the level of detail = figure, less detail = ground.
Creating edges
Contrast textures
Contrast shape & size
Create layers
Map Elements and Placement
Defines the area of the cartographic image.
Often corresponds with the
golden mean
May be defined by the publisher or the cartographer.
Also arrangement, composition or layout, starts with the best fit for mapped area. Ex: Chile is long and skinny, so a portrait map would work better.
: Keep space around each label, space between the point and label, orientate the label 45 degree angle from the point, never directly in front or behind the point. With linear features keep labels on the same side as point.
Areal Features
: If inside is not possible, treat as a point. Fill space when possible.
: Shapes filled with the predominant background colour when you cannot avoid overlapping labels with complex features. (Called HALOS in ArcGIS).
Typeface and fonts matter, choosing between serif and sans-serif, etc.
Size of font
Roman, Italics, bold, etc.
: 6pt is the lower limit for most publications, 8-12pt is the most common range for publications, 28-38pt for screens or posters, 2pt difference at small sizes, 3-4pt difference at larger sizes.
Week 3
Vector Tools
Works on Vector Data: points, lines and polygons.
Select by attribute:
Allows you. to select things. by. attributes using clauses. You can select multiple by using different equations.
Select by Location
:Select.attributes inside of a given location you set.
Export to Feature Class
: Way of exporting things so that it creates a new layer inside the geodatabase.
: Buffer creates a polygon around a point, line or polygon.
: Use this tool to. cut out a piece of one feature class using a polygon feature class as a cookie cutter. It must be a polygon.
Multiple Ring Buffer
: Similar to the buffer tool but you. can create multiple rings around it.
Week 4
Vector Tools
: Does the opposite of the clip tool, it erases selected portion of the features.
: Aggregates features based on specified attributes. To eliminate the lines between adjacent similar polygons.
: Combines two or more data layers of the same type (point, line or polygon) to form one layer containing all data, including attributes. If there are
: Identify areas where all input datasets exists. New features will contain attributes of all input. files. No overlaps will exist.
: Identify areas where any input dataset exists. Overlap areas will have attributes of all input features. Areas where there is no overlap will be maintained with appropriate attribution.
Week 10
Images that have been scanned or received may not have any associated information to say where the data in the map should be located, Georeferencing makes it so it can be read with other data.
Select a poiint on image and then indicate the actual position on the map.
Ground Control Points
GCP's are "A system of points with known positions, elevations or both. Used as a fixed reference in georeferencing map features, aerial photography, or remotely sensed images."
Root Mean Square (RMS) Error
RMS Error is how far off the actual value is from the predicted value.
Residuals are calculated seperately for the X and Y coordinates and then combined are used to calculate RMS error.
Acceptable RMS error depends on the size of pixels, scale of data, and accuracy/precision of location.
Order of Polynomial
Shape of the line used to estimate the location of data. Indicates the type of transformations (rotation, translation, skewing of data)
1st Order polynomial requires a minimum of 3 GCP's. 2nd Order polynomial requires a minimum of 6 GCP;s.
Week 11
Vertical Dimension
Two different ways to deal with vertical, 2.5D and 3D.
2.5D is representation of elevation but is dependent on horizontal for its representation as digital elevation model (DEM)
Lidar 3D:
Airplane flies over scanning ground. Spot elevations is a true representation of the surface. Shows where trees, bushes, buildings are. Almost 3D understanding of Earth.
LIDAR outputs
DSM: Digital Surface Model (heights of things on Earth.)
DEM: Digital Elevation Model (True surface of the Earth.
CHM/DHM: Canopy Height Model or Digital Height Model. The heights or residual distance between the ground and the tops of buildings and trees, etc.
CHM is created by subtracting DTM from the DSM.