Describe the roles of the small intestine and how the structures relate to its functions

what are the structures in the small intestine

what does the small intestine do to food

what organ is it related to

How are the structures in the small intestine adapted to carry out their functions effectively

what food can it digest

what enzymes does it contain

Numerous folds in the intestinal wall

the small intestine digests food into simple substances that are diffused into the one-cell thick villi and into the bloodstream to the liver before being transported to the rest of the body

the small intestine is related to the large intestine, the undigested food from the small intestine gets transported to the large intestine where water and mineral salts are absorbed before entering the rectum

this increases surface to volume ratio for a more efficient rate of diffusion of food substances

One-cell thick Villi

The blood capillaries network transports amino acids and glucose to the body.
The Lacteal capillaries transport fatty acids and glucose to the body

Maltose, sucrose, lactose, polypeptides and fats

In general, the small intestine consists of the duodenum, jejunum, and the ileum

Contains intestinal juice, pancreatic juice and bile are released into the small intestine when chyme enters the small intestine

Four adaptations: Numerous folds in the small intestine, One-cell thick Villi, Well supplied with blood capillaries, and there is a Presence of a steep concentration gradient

One -cell thick Villi is connected to blood capillaries that transport different food substances, the blood capillaries network transports amino acids and glucose, the Lacteal capillaries transport fats and glucose

Being well supplied with blood capillaries maintains a steep concentration gradient

Numerous folds in the small intestine results in an increased surface area to volume ratio for efficient diffusion of food substances

A steep concentration gradient would result in a high rate of diffusion and active transport for food substances in the small intestine