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Reproductive System Pedro Bustos P.3 - Coggle Diagram
Reproductive System
Pedro Bustos
Methods and Classifications of contraceptives
Combined Horomone Contraceptives-
contain estrog and progestins to prevent prego;disrupt norm hormonal patterns of fem cyc; and prevent folli mature and ovulation; works for 3 months
Injectable Contraception-
Inject of progestro derivativce precents folli maturation and ovulation works for 3 months
Chem barriers-
Contains spermicides; more efec with condom; cream, foam,jellies
Contraceptice Implants-
Rod containing progestin under skin in arm, can prevent folli mature and ovulation for 3 years
Mech Barriers-
Most effec: condoms, diaphragm, cervical cap
Intrauterine Devices-
Objects implanted in uterus R either toxic to sperm and egg cells or prevent implantation of embryo by inhin growth of endometriun, thicken cervical mucus
Rhythm Method-
Don't have sex around ovulation time: diff to determine, not effec
Vasectomy (removal or deferns, preventing sperm from semen) or tubal ligation (cutting uterine tubes, preventing sperm from egg)
Coitus Interruptus-
Pull out b4 ejac: not effec:sperm may reach vag
Anatomy of male reproductive structures
Preuce: Foreskin
Penis: Used to make babies
Urethra: Where pee and semen come go through
Prostate: Produces fluid that with aid of sperm cells frem testis and other glands make up semen
Ejaculation duct: Delivers sperm to urethra
Seminal gland: Prod seminal fluid to push semen out during ejac
Vas deferens: Trans mature sperm to the urethra in preparation for ejaculation
Epididymis: Produces the sperm
Testis: Prod spermatoza, male gametes
Bulbourethral gland and duct: priduces pre-cum that cleanses and libes urethra before semen comes through
Corpora cavernosa: spongy tissue of penis which contains blood vessels that cause erections
Disorders associated with the reproductive systems
Herpes simplex 2 virus
Sores, fever
Antiviral drug (acyclovir)
Human papilloma virus
Chem/surgical removal
Chlamydia infection-
Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria
Pain pee and sex, mucus discharge
Neisseria G bacteria
Almost none in fem;men have pain pee
Cause: HIV
Symptom: Fever, weakness, infec, cancer
Treatment: Drugs to delay symp or treat them
Rash, years w/ no symp as infec spreads may lead to death
Anatomy of female reproductive structures
Fundus of uterus- Help bal and approp hormones during pregnancy, also prot the fetus
Infidibulum- Catches n channel the released egg
Labium majus- Covers the minus, clit, urethra, and vag opening
Fimbriae- Catches the egg that one of your ovaries releases during ovulation
Labium minus- Prot vag from urethral openings, dryness, and infec
Body of uterus- Has 3 layers, shown below (in to out)
Vagina- Where baby comes from
External OS- Trans sperm into uterine cavity
Uterus- Egg devs into baby here and responsible for menstrual cycle
Ovary- Secrete estrogen and progestrogen
Cervix- Allows fluids to flow in n out of uterus
Uterine tube- Trans the fertilized egg to uterus for implantation
Hormones of reproducitve system (male and female)
Testosterone stims sperm prod in males
Estrogen causes eggs to mature in ovaries once a girl hits puberty
Events of the female hormonal cycles
Anterior pit galnd secre folli-stim hormone (FSH) and luteinizing horomone (LH)
FSH stim maturation of dom folli
Folli cells prod and secre estrogens
-tain 2nd sex char
-endometrium thickens
Anterior pit releases surge of LH, = ovulation
Folli cells bcome corpus lutem cells, whic secre estro and progestro
-estro cont. to stime uterine wall dev
-progestro stims endonaut to bcome more glandular and vascular
-Estrog and progestro inhib secre of FSH and LH from anterior pit gland
If secondary oocute is not fertilized, corpus luteum degen and no longer secre estro and progestro
As oncen of estro and progestro decline, BV in endometrium constrict
Uterine lining disintegrates and slougs off, prod a mens flow
Anterior pit gland no longer inhibited and again secre FSH and LH
Follicular phase-
Starts on the first day of your period and lasts for 13 to 14 days, ending in ovulation
Phase of the female menstrual cycle that involves the release of an egg (ovum) from one of the ovaries
Luteal phase-
Happens during second day of men cycle
Prepares uterus for pregnancy
Thickens uterine lining
Major functions of the reproductive system
Major func is to deliver sperm to the female
Once receiving sperm, it gets fertilized
Fertilization occurs in the uterine lining
Fetus grows in the uterus which then gets pushed out the vagina