1. You Can Move Up a Level But You Never Leave the Previous One Behind
2. You Are Not on the Same Level with Every Person (People will respond to you based on the level of leadership you’re on with them)
3. The Higher You Go, The Easier It Is to Lead
4. The Higher You Go, the More Time and Commitment Is Required to Win a Level (Nobody achieves anything great by giving the minimum. No teams win championships without making sacrifices and giving their best)
5. Moving Up Levels Occurs Slowly, But Going Down Can Happen Quickly (A lot of things have to be right to climb to a higher level, but sometimes it takes only one thing going wrong to cause someone to fall)
6. The Higher You Go, the Greater the Return
7. Moving Farther Up Always Requires Further Growth (Growing as a leader requires a combination of intentional growth and leadership experience)
8. Not Climbing The Levels Limits You and Your People (“People naturally follow leaders stronger than themselves.”), (One of the burdens of leadership is that as we go, so go the people we lead. Reaching our potential sets an environment for others to reach theirs)
9. When You Change Positions or Organizations, You Seldom Stay at the Same Level
10. You Cannot Climb the Levels Alone (“Leadership is accepting people where they are, then taking them somewhere.” —C. W. Perry), (“If you think you’re leading but no one is following, then you are only taking a walk.”)