Incredibly old, before 500BCE
Vetas - A type of text from buddists a long time ago
Siddaha Garshma - tought nirvana - later on given the name "buddha"
Sramana's - leaders that focus on one thing to teach others - mostly focusing on dicsiplinery
Four Noble truths
- Suffering exists
- The origin of this suffering
- There is an end to suffering
- How to end suffering
Eightfold path
right view
Believe in Reincarnation
Right revolve
Right speech
Right conduct
Right livelihood
Right effort - focusing on meditation
right mindfulness
Arhats - Monks who achieved light through Nirvana
Buddhism has 185 million people practicing it in china
Dalai Lama - Title given by the tibetan people to the foremost spiritual leader - found by visions and hints
Current leader tours the world and speaks for Tibetan about its struggles and wants peace.
Buddhists believe that the human life is one of suffering, and that meditation, spiritual and physical labor, and good behavior are the ways to achieve enlightenment, or nirvana.
Believe in karma
One of the worlds largest religons
Nirvana - End of your suffering
400 million followers of buddhism
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