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Migration - Coggle Diagram
ELA/Literacy Content Standards
: Reading Comprehension Strand
3.RS (IP)1. Conduct short research tasks to take some action or share findings orally or in writing by gathering and recording information on a specific topic from reference texts or through interviews, and using text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information efficiently.
3WRW 4. Write personal or fictional stories that recount an event or experience, include details to develop the characters or event(s), and provide a sense of closure.
3.VD. (WB) 1. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade-level reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
3.FR (PH) 3. Use knowledge of grade-level phonics and word analysis skills to decode words.
3.RC- (NF) 6c. Describe major structural differences between the organization of different informational texts (e.g., description, sequence, comparison, problem-solution, cause-effect).
3ODC(DC)4. Report orally on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace.
3GCM 2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of English punctuation and capitalization when writing and reading aloud to create meaning.
NCSS themes and connections to standards
People, Places, and Environmen
t: How physical systems affect human systems and the changes that occur in the meaning, use, distribution, and importance of resources.
The world in spatial terms
:How to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information from a spatial perspective.
Human Systems:
The characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations on Earth’s surface.
Power, Attorney and Governance
:How the forces of cooperation and conflict among people influence the division and control of Earth’s surface.
Goal 1.2: Trace the role of migration and immigration of people in the development of the United States.
3.SS.1.2.1 Share the origins of classmates' ancestors.
3.SS.1.2.2 Describe how migration and immigration are continuous processes.
3.SS.1.2.3 Identify reasons for voluntary and involuntary movement of people to and from your community.
Goal 2.3: Trace the migration and settlement of human populations on the earth’s surface.
3.SS.2.3.1 Analyze past and present settlement patterns of the community.
3.SS.2.3.2 Identify geographic features influencing settlement patterns of the community.
3.SS.2.3.3 Compare and contrast city/suburb/town and urban/rural.
Economics: Goal 3.2: Identify different influences on economic systems.
3.SS.3.2.1 Explain how land, natural resources, labor, trade, and/or technology affect economic activities in the local community
Essential Questions
What are the factors a person might have to weigh when considering whether to immigrate to another country?
What might it be like to be faced with this decision?
What are the reasons why people migrate?
Students will be able to
Recognize, define, and use the vocabulary of migration: immigration, customs, diversity, emigration, pull actor, push factor, asylum, refugee, and immigrant vocabulary in context.
Explain the significance of principal events that affects in the world economy because of this event.
Express their findings orally and in writing.
Students will know
Key facts about the Turkey and Syria migration patterns.
Where Turkey and Syria are located in the world.
What they bring to the world:understand the interconnections between social movements and migration.
Big Idea
Economics affects local communities and individuals
Key Understandings
I want my students to understand
There are reasons behind voluntary and involuntary movement
There are past and present settlement patterns
Economics plays a role in cause and effect
Local communities can and will affect you