2.3 Making operational decisions
1. Business operations
2. Working with suppliers
3. Managing quality
4. The sales process
1.1 The purpose of of business operations is to produce goods and provide services.
1,2. Businesses can produce products using the following methods: Job Production, Flow Production and Batch Productions
Job Production
Flow production
Batch Production
1.3 Impacts of technology on production:
Balancing cost -
Productivity -
Quality and flexibility -
2.1. Bar gate stock graphs
2.2. Just in time (JIT) stock control.
2.3 Procurement is
The role of procurement is:
● to build relationships with suppliers:
to improve quality, delivery (cost, speed,
reliability), availability, cost, trust
● the impact of logistics and supply decisions on: costs,
reputation, customer satisfaction.
3.1. Quality and its importance in the production of goods and the provision of services: quality
control and quality assurance
3.2. Quality and its importance in allowing a business to control costs and gain a competitive
methods to ensure quality of goods and services:
Quality Control -
Quality Assurance -
Sales process to increase customers' satisfaction include: product knowledge,speed and efficiency of service, customer engagement, responses to customer feedback, post-sales service
The importance to businesses of providing good customer