Healthcare in New York City, how available is it to those with lower income
Census Data
Join United States Census Bureau information of health insurance to census data for New York City
Change to two categories of people below 65 and people above 65
Final Map shows people that do not have health insurance in New York City
Center for Migration Studies Data
Join CfMS data with census data for New York City
turn on symbology for health insurance availability for immigrants in Brooklyn
Turn on symbology for health insurance for immigrants in Queens
Final map shows healthcare available to immigrants from Brooklyn and Queens
Overlay information from census data with data from center for migration studies to show health insurance availability for immigrants in Brooklyn and Queens
Atlas Data
Overlay data from New York City map with Census data
Intersect data from New York City Map data and Center for Migration Studies Data
Final Map will show people that report not having health insurance with immigrants who do not have health insurance in Brooklyn and Queens and put into categories of above and below 65 years old
Overlay no no health insurance data with poverty data in new york city
Overlay poverty levels in Brooklyn and Queens with Center for Migration Studies data
New York City
Community Health Profiles 2018 Map Atlas