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Global Issues: Poverty, Homelessness - Coggle Diagram
Global Issues: Poverty, Homelessness
aborder - to tackle
aider - to help
augmenter - to increase
s'informer sur - to research
combattre - to fight/ combat
dormir - to sleep
préoccuper - to preoccupy
réutiliser - to reuse
recycler - to recycle
économiser/ sauver - to save
trier - to sort/ separate (rubbish)
éviter - to avoid
jeter - to throw (away)
construire - to build
gaspiller - to waste
réfléchir - to think
exploiter - to exploit
éteindre - to switch/ turn off
fermer - to shut down/ close/ turn off
récupérer - to collect
arroser - to water
blesser - to injure
tuer - to kill
crise - crisis
égalité - equality
espoir - hope
faim - hunger
inégalité - inequality
monde - world
pauvre - poor
pauvreté - poverty
probléme - problem
sécheresse - drought
tous/ toutes les deux - both
carton - cardboard
chomage - unemployment
couverture - blanket
malheureux/ malheureuse - unfortunate
quartier défavorisé - deprived area
sans-abri/ SDF - homeless person
sac de couchage - sleeping bag
triste - sad
trottoir - pavement
écolo(gique) - green/ ecological/ environmentally friendly
eau - water
déchets - rubbish
poubelle - dustbin/ wastebin
papier - paper
carton - cardboard
plastique - plastic
métal - metal
verre - glass
inondation - flood
espéce - species
bois - wood
effet de serre - greenhouse effect
chauffage central - central heating
charbon - coal
pétrole - oil
trou - hole
propre - clean/ own
circulation - traffic
empreinte carbone - carbon footprint
robinet - tap
panneux solaires - solar panels
feu/ incendie - fire
marée - tide
vent - wind
vague - wave
dégats - damage