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Koneksi Antar Materi Topik 7 - Problematika Dan Evaluasi Implementasi UbD,…
Koneksi Antar Materi Topik 7 - Problematika Dan Evaluasi Implementasi UbD
Sebagai Waka Kurikulum
Lack of knowledge/information for deputy head of curriculum to provide training on UbD for teachers.
If UbD learning is not carried out properly, it will make it difficult for the deputy head of curriculum to prepare the results of annual reporting data.
The deputy head of curriculum takes a time to be able to implement Understanding by Design in school.
Deputy head of curriculum must be active in searching references. For instance; through journals, books, internet, workshops, and seminars.
Provide training for teachers about the variations of methods and media that can be adjusted to student characteristics, learning objectives and UbD flow so that it will help teachers to minimize mistakes in carrying out learning designs using UbD.
The deputy head of curriculum should create group discussion with teachers to develop UbD framework, in the process teachers can help each other. Such as workshops.
Sebagai Stakeholder
Many people still confuse about
the implementation stages of UbD
Schools that can implement UBD are limited
The society has not been actively involved in education The UbD curriculum has not been fully implemented in Indonesia
Get to know the problem, carry out socialization, and do a motivation campaign
Providing information or understanding about ubd to school committees and providing workshop for teachers
We need to involve the Society actively in Teaching learning process and Do the socialization to the society about UbD Curriculum
Sebagai Kepala Sekolah
Teacher's understanding about UbD
Curriculum management planning
The Principal's Understanding
Principal Monitoring about the implementation of Ubd
School facilities are notsupported
Principal could ask and involved in discussions with management regarding the implemantion of UbD. In addition, the principal also needs to learn and understand the UbD itself.
Arranging a curriculum development plan that is in accordance with the conditions of the school and also in line with the direction and goals of national learning. managing teachers, staff and facilities in the context of maximum utilization of resources
The principal needs to provide the teachers changes and motivations in doing self-development by accommodating the teacher to join the workshop or any training.
Principal could make the monitoring schedule and doing the periodic meeting to know the implementation progress and the constraint comes up trough the teachers and make sure the activities runs well.
Principal could map the appropriate budget plan to support teacher needs in implementing the UbD
Sebagai Siswa
Textbook, Only a few school that the textbook does not provide concepts explicitly or does not highlight key concepts that learners should learn.
A few of the students have less understanding in learning. In case the implementation of UbD it takes a long time to develop students' ability to think critically.
Students who are a slow learners take longer to learn something.
Students find difficulties to adapt to the UBD learning system which requires them to be active in class
Students might lack of motivation. In UbD, the students are expected not only to know the material but also to understand the material.
New paradigms might make students confused about the learning process steps.
Students should be trained independently to be able to find references to other suitable learning resources because Ubd involves students having self-awareness to develop themselves.
Teachers should create interesting learning, the application of UbD and material is well conveyed in teaching activities. as well as creating a more efficient UbD curriculum approach. and train students to be independent and think critically.
Develop contextual learning. With contextual learning, students will feel the closeness between classroom learning and the surrounding environment. Students will also know the benefits and essence of learning content in class.
Teachers are expected to be able to create learning approach that is very interesting so that students are not bored in its application so that students can understand its application more quickly
The teacher might invite the students to decide what activities challenge them more. Therefore, the spoon-feeding activities might be replaced with students' interpretation.
The teacher gives clear learning objectives in every topic. Therefore, the students know what they will learn and how they will be assessed.
Sebagai Guru
some Teachers still do not know how to design teaching modules with the Backward Design technique even they have learned before
the Resources about UbD Design provided by the government is still limited
Teachers are less prepared before teaching the class
Teacher only focused on achieving curriculum targets
The questions in the assessment and evaluation are not adjusted to the learning objectives and learning activities because the teacher is focused
on the completion of the subject matter
Teachers generalize students' abilities in understanding Learning
Teachers need to attend seminars or training on making modules with the UBD framework more than once
Teachers have to do discussions with other teachers who use the UbD design or find other references about UbD on the internet
Teachers should be serious in preparing everything that is needed for teaching the class
Teachers should be understand all the needs of students in learning (doing profiling & diagnostics test)
as a teacher we need for understanding the material and mastery the concepts of UbD . The learning process is prepared as well as possible, starting from learning objectives and learning activities to be carried out are also clear. so that they can maximize activities and use appropriate assessments
The teachers do the profiling and conducts diagnostic tests to find out the basic abilities of the material to be taught. and results that have a lag in thinking they need more attention from the teacher
Annisa Fitriana
PPG Prajabatan Gel 2
Bahasa Inggris