The G20 is a broader group that includes the G7 countries as well as other emerging economies such as China, India, Brazil, and South Africa. The G20 accounts for around 80% of global GDP.The G20 was established in 1999 but had its first summit in 2008. It includes the seven members of the G7, plus 13 developed and developing countries from around the world:Argentinia,Autralia,France,Brazil,The EU,Canada,China,Germany,India,Indonesia,Italy,Japan,South Korea,Mexico,Russia,Saudi Arabia,South Africa,Turkey,The UK,The US.
In 2008 financial crisis, the G7 members were hit hard. They needed developing nations to help heal the wounds, which led to
$500bn of aid to recover being agreed between 2008-09.
It has also been agreed that the G20
has replaced the G7 as the main forum for economic issues.It is seen to replace the G7, due to its more open membership, particularly to developing economies. It aims to promote financial stability and discuss
economic matters.
There is still limited representation among underdeveloped and developing nations. Only Argentina,Indonesia and Mexico rank outside the top 20 largest economies.
However, these institutions have also faced criticism for being dominated by developed countries and for promoting policies that benefit developed countries at the expense of developing countries. The WTO has been accused of failing to address the concerns of developing countries, and the G7/G8 and G20 have been criticized for their lack of accountability and transparency.