Leadership Traits & Ethics
Traits & Personality
- Distinguishing personal characteristics
- Combination of traits that classifies an individual's behaviour
- Affect behaviour, perceptions & attitudes
- Understanding personalities help to explain & predict others' behaviour & job performance
Big 5 Model of Personality
Surgency (Dominance)
- Leadership & extraversion traits
- Want to be in-charge
- Getting along with people traits
- Sociable, friendly
- Emotional stability traits
- Stable = Self-control, calm, good under pressure
- Achievement traits
- Responsible & dependable
Openness to experience
- Willingness to try new things traits
- Seek change
Reasons for leader's derailment
- Bullying style
- Cold, aloof, arrogant
- Betrayed personal trust
- Self-centered
- Specific performance problems
- Overmanaged
Theory X vs Theory Y
Theory X (Control)
- People are lazy
- Dislike work
- Do as little as possible
- Requires close supervision
- Coercive, autocratic leadership
Theory Y (Support)
- People are motivated
- Get satisfaction from work
- Will do what is right for organization
- Participative leadership
Pygmalion Effect
- Leaders' attitudes, expectations & treatment of employees explain & predict behaviour & performance
- Effective leaders set clear standards
- Effective leaders expect the best from their followers
- Leaders believe they can achieve the best, followers can
- +ve & -ve attitudes people have about themselves
- Self-efficacy: Belief in one's own capabilities to perform in a specific situation
- Both closely related to self-confidence, belief that one can be successful
Factors influencing Ethical Behaviour
Traits, Attitudes & Ethics
- Related to individual needs & personality traits
- Unethical behaviour: Emotionally unstable, external locus of control
Moral Development & Ethics
- Preconventional: Based on self-interests
- Conventional: Based on expectations of others
- Post-conventional: Based on moral principles regardless of leader/grp ethics
- Highly competitive situations
- Unsupervised
- No formal ethics policy
- Unethical behaviour is not punished/rewarded