I would further like to take Inputs and learn form Dr.Meryem Duygun founded the University’s Fintech Network, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, which gave rise to the creation of INFINITY. INFINITY researchers collaborate with industry, policymakers and the third sector to undertake research which promotes financial inclusive and social good in doing so embracing diverse talent and communities to create the future of financial services. Research undertaken by the centre focuses on three key themes: Inclusive analytics, which seeks to take frontier data methods and apply these to financial technology. This work focuses on translating the latest innovations in data science to applications in financial technology, leading to improved product design, decisions and consumer outcomes. Inclusive financial services focuses on how society can increase financial inclusion and use the power of financial technology for good. This work embraces new opportunities to create products for under-served markets, and works with policymakers on key challenges in consumer protection. This work also seeks to make the financial services sector by harnessing the power of data to promote equality, diversity and inclusion within the sector. Inclusive risk creates future models for responsible risk measurement and management. Arising from INFINITY’s work with the UK government during the coronavirus pandemic, this work develops new models of complex risks, such as pandemic, climate and political risk. This work is giving rise to new risk products, helping the economy to measure, evaluate and mitigate emerging risks.
INFINITY Hub will be pivotal for my development of research and create methodologies and strategies to automate investment strategies for a large set of poupulation like India.