Increased Significance of MNC and FDI


More job opportunities

More investment in infrastructure

Developing skills & capitals

Contributing to tax

Reasons for globalization

Fewer tarrifs/quotas

Reduced cost of transportation / Communication


Tax avoidance

Environmental destructions

Moving profit abroad


Economies of scale

Easy access to Natural Resources / Cheap Materials

Access to global customers

When MNC arrive and establish businesses in the specific country, the unemployment will likely to fall. This results in an increase in income in the country. Moreover, the extra output and employment generated by MNC will increase the country's economic growth. When the economic growth rises, the living standars will also rise.

Countries with poor infrastructure often struggle to attract FDI. Why? Because if a certain country is insufficient towards infrastructures (Ex: bridges, airports, and other business facilities), then the business will be burdensome. Therefore, governments are more likely to invest in infrastructure to get the attention of potential investors. However, sometimes foreign investors also contribute to the country's infrastructure.

MNC provides training and work experience for workers when they locate operations in foreign countries. This will result in an increase in labor quality. This is why governments in less developed countries often spend more on education to help attract MNCs.

The arrival of MNCs will also help to boost the capital of the host country. How? When a business sets up facilities, it is to be expected they will use up-to-date technology. One example is the usage of renewable energy sources. MNCs might also encourage local suppliers and other businesses to invest in new capital projects.

Same as other businesses, MNC is also taxed by the government of the host nation. This will then increase the tax revenue for the government.

There are many cases where MNCs avoid taxation. This even happens to a well developed countries with well developed legal systems. If they are even able to avoid taxation from well developed countries, imagine what will happen to less developed countries.

MNCs could cause various environmental damages in the host country. A few examples are such: mining, pollution, and many other damages to the environment.

The profits made by MNCs abroad are called repatriation. This means that the profit they made will get back to where the MNC is based or where they belong. Therefore, MNCs brings much more benefits to well-developed countries than to less developed countries because most MNCs are based in well-developed countries.