Topic 3 - Energy Systems ✅
Water - thermoregulation and hydration - water
Carbohydrates - energy - breaks down fatty acids - pasta
Fats - backup energy store - protection of vital organs - dairy
Protein - growth and repair of muscles - meat
Minerals - increases metabolism and muscle function - fish
Vitamins - helps with immune function - fruits
Fibre - bulks up consumed food - rice
Chemical composition of a glucose molecule:
Ratio (/6)
1 Carbon
2 Hydrogen
1 Oxygen
Basic structure of a glucose molecule:
How can monosaccharides join to form di/oligo/poly saccharides:
1) Two monosaccharides undergo a condensation reaction to form a glycosidic bond between the two monosaccharides
2) A glycosidic bond is when the remaining oxygen molecule binds with a carbon from each glucose molecule
3) This forms a double bond between two of the carbon atoms while producing water as a by-product
4) The process can be repeated to form oligo and polysaccharides
5) They are stored in the liver as glycogen and can be broken back down into glucose when required via glycogenolysis
Monosaccharide = 1
Disaccharide = 2
Oligosaccharide = 3-9
Polysaccharide = 10+
Chemical composition of a triglycerol:
Glycerol = C3H8O3 - with 3 hydroxyl groups (OH)
Fatty acids- long chain hydrocarbons containing carboxyl (COOH)
An ester bond is formed when a condensation reaction occurs between one of the OH groups of the glycerol and the COOH group of the fatty acid
Two more fatty acids bind to the remaining OH groups on the glycerol, creating two more water molecules
Saturated and Unsaturated fatty acids:
Saturated fatty acids do not contain a double carbon bond between the carbon atoms
Unsaturated fatty acids do contain one or more double carbon bonds between the carbon atoms
State the chemical composition of a protein molecule
Ratio 1:1:1
Distinguish between essential and non-essential amino acids:
Non-essential amino acids are acids that can be produced by the body
Essential amino acids cannot be produced by the body and must be attained from elsewhere such as food sources
Describe the recommendations for a healthy diet:
1/3 = Carbohydrates (bread, rice etc starchy foods)
1/3 = Fruit and veg
Rest of diet should be comprised of protein, dairy and sugary foods/drinks
75% of a persons energy should come from carbohydrates and the other should ideally come from fat stores
Approximate amount of energy per 100g of each type of food:
Carbohydrates = 1760KJ
Fat = 4000KJ
Protein = 1720kJ
Discuss how the recommended distribution of dietary macronutrients differs from endurance athletes to non-athletes:
1) During endurance aerobic exercise, the muscles depend on glycogen stores as a source of energy
2) Gylocgen stores are dependent on the amount of carbohydrates ingested
3) Therefore an endurance athlete is likely to be recommended a diet which is rich in carbohydrates compared to a non-athlete so that they can replenish their glycogen stores and reduce risk of fatigue
4)An athlete is also likely to have more degraded muscle due to training, so they will also need to have a higher protein intake for growth and repair of muscle fibres
5) Finally, an endurance athlete would also need to have a higher fat intake, as when glycogen stores have run out, the body uses fat stores for excess energy
All tho biochemical reactions that occur within an organis
The reaction, requiring energy, of turning smaller compounds into more complex and larger ones, usually organic matter
Aerobic Catabolism
The breaking down of larger, more complex chemical compounds into smaller, more simple compounds with the net release of energy
Anaerobic catabolism
The breaking down of larger, more complex chemical compounds into smaller, more simple compounds with the net release of energy and in the absence of oxygen
Glycogen is formed when glucose molecules combine via the creation of a double carbon bond to produce di/oligo/polysaccharides
The major storage sites of glycogen are the skeletal muscle and the liver
Glucose is diffused into the liver or skeletal muscle to be stores as glycogen after a condensation reaction producing water as a byproduct due to the glycosidic reaction where the two excess oxygen molecules bind to the carbon atoms in the new di/oligo/polysaccharide
Triglyceride is a molecule containing 3 fatty acids and glycerol
They can store unused calories and act as a source of energy
They are stores in the liver or in fat cells
Explain the role of insulin in the accumulation of body fat in the body after eating a meal containing carbohydrates and fat
After eating a meal containing carbohydrates and fat, blood sugar levels will increase.
Therefore, a regulatory hormone called insulin is released which regulates the levels of blood sugar in the body.
Insulin is secreted by the pancreas after the blood sugar levels are detected by the hypothalamus.
Insulin causes an increase in the diffusion of glucose into the liver and skeletal muscle where it is converted to and stored as glycogen after a process called glycogenesis.
This therefore reduces the amount of glucose and the blood and blood sugar levels begin to drop.
Furthermore, insulin also prevents the breakdown of fat into glycogen
Therefore promoting the accumulation of fat in the body after a meal containing carbohydrates and fats.
Once the blood glucose levels have dropped too low, this is again detected by the hypothalamus which signals the pancreas to release a different regulatory hormone called glucagon.
Glucagon increases the rate of glycogenolysis and the glucose is released into the blood again.
Thereby increasing the blood sugar levels again.
The breakdown of glycogen back into glucose for use in muscles for energy release
The breakdown of stored lipids to produce glycogen
The breakdown of glycogen to provide the body with energy
The production of glycogen via bonding of two or more glucose molecules with water as a by-product
The manufacturing of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources such as protein
What is glucagon, outline the function of glucagon and adrenaline during fasting and during exercse
Glucagon is a hormone secreted by the pancreas in response to nerve signals from the hypothalamus to increase the blood glucose levels in the blood.
During fasting, blood glucose levels are very low due to a reduced amount of food intake.
Therefore, glucagon is released by the pancreas to increase the rate of glycogenolysis in the liver and skeletal muscle
This increases the blood glucose levels in the blood as more glucose is released into the blood after being broken down from stored glycogen
During exercise, there is a need for an increased blood glucose level in the blood for muscle contraction at a higher intensity
Therefore, adrenaline is released by the adrenal glands to increase rate of glycogenolysis and increase glucose levels in the blood
This means that there is a higher amount of glucose in the blood to travel around the body and supply the working muscles with sufficient energy during exercise
Explain impact of insulin on glucose and muscle contraction during exercise
During exercise, there is an increased intensity and stress on the body due to larger amounts of muscle contraction
This means that a larger amount of glucose needs to be circulating in the blood to provide muscles with sufficient energy.
Therefore, insulin levels in the blood decrease to allow for a reduced rate of diffusion of glucose into the liver where it usually would be stored as glycogen.
Meanwhile, glucagon and adrenaline levels increase to allow for a faster rate of glycogenolysis to further increase the glucose levels in the blood as glycogen is broken down back into glucose and released into the blood from the liver and skeletal muscle.
Therefore, there is an increased amount of glucose in the blood allowing for better utilization of energy by the working muscles so that muscle contraction can be prolonged at a higher intensity during exercise.
Key structures of an animal cell and their functions
Contains the cells DNA
Site of protein synthesis
Breakdown excess cells, parts and bacteria
Aerobic respiration
Golgi apparatus:
Protein packaging
Sarcoplasmic reticulum:
Transportation of proteins during synthesis
Key structures of the mitochondria
Provide large surface area for chemical reactions
Outer smooth membrane:
Allows proteins into the mitochondria
Inner matrix:
Site of krebs cycle (process by which all living things generate energy via aerobic respiration
Cell respiration:
The controlled release of energy in the form of ATP in the presence of oxygen conducted in all living organisms
Explain how adenosine can lose and gain a phoshpate:
Adenoside triphosphate has 3 phosphate molecules bound together via energy bonds.
The breaking of one of these bonds causes the losing of a phosphate molecule.
Then an external reaction from phosphocreatine, lactic acid system or the aerobic system creates enough energy for the regeneration of adenosine triphosphate.
What role does ATP play in muscle contraction:
ATP is the only usable form of energy in the body and is achieved via many different systems such as the PC system, lactic acid system and aerobic system.
For muscle contraction, ATP disassociates to form ADP+P.
The energy created from this reaction allows for:
The myosin heads to perform a 'cocking' motion which creates the potential energy for muscle contraction.
Explain how ATP can be replenished from ADP+P:
Phosphocreatine is a high energy molecule released to replenish ATP stores in the first 10 seconds of high intensity exercise.
Phosphocreatine is broken down into creatine and a phosphate, this reaction also creates enough energy for the phosphate to bind to the ADP to replenish it to ATP
This allows the new ATP to be used again to provide more muscle contraction and maintain a short burst of high intensity exercise
However, only one ATP molecule can be replenished for every phosphocreatine molecule
This is a good system because it produces rapid regeneration of ATP as phosphocreatine stores can replenish very quickly
This is a bad system because there is only a limited PC supply and the ratio of PC to ATP replenishment is only 1:1
Describe the re-synthesis of ATP using the lactic acid system:
This system uses anaerobic glycolysis for the regeneration of ATP
Glucose is broken down into pyruvic acid by phosphofructokinase
The pyruvic acid is then converted into lactic acid due to the absence of oxygen
The energy generated from the breakdown of glucose into the pyruvic acid is enough to regenerate 2 ATP molecules
This is because the by-product of lactic acid created limits the amount of ATP that can be resynthesized.
This is a good system as it produces an extra boost of energy
There are also few chemical reactions required compared to the aerobic system
This is a bad system because lactic acid denatures enzymes, thereby decreasing the rate of chemical reactions taking place
Also, there are only 2 ATP molecules produced at a time compared to 38 in the aerobic system
How does the aerobic system re-synthesize ATP from ADP:
Pyruvic acid diffuses into the inner matrix of the mitochondria to form acetyl CoA
Acetyl CoA is the entry enzyme for the Krebs cycle - the process of producing energy in all living organisms via aerobic respiration which produces 2 ATP molecules, carbon dioxide and hydrogen
The carbon dioxide is breathed out and the hydrogen is split into ions and electrons
The hydrogen ions and electrons are carried by hydrogen carriers to the electron transport chain
The hydrogen ions are oxidised to form 2 further water molecules while the electron is used as a form of energy to create 34 more ATP molecules
Fats are also broken down into glycerol and 3 fatty acids - these fatty acids are then broken down in the mitochondria to form acetyl CoA
Acetyl CoA is the entry molecule for the Krebs cycle and the process is repeated, approximately forming a further 2 ATP molecules in a similar time
Therefore a total of 38 ATP molecules are produced by the aerobic system
This is a good system because it produces 38 ATP molecules and it can also be steadily maintained due to large glycogen and triglycerol storage
This is a bad system because it contains many complicated chemical reactions and therefore cannot be performed immediately. It is also slow as fatty acid transportation to muscles is slow
Characteristics of the energy systems and their contributions during exercise:
1) Duration:
PC = <10 seconds
Lactic = 10< t >3 minutes
Aerobic = 3+ minutes
2) Amount of ATP produced:
PC = 1
Lactic = 2
Aerobic = 38
3) Fuel:
PC = phosphocreatine
Lactic = phosphofructokinase breaks down glucose into pyruvic acid
Aerobic = glucose and triglycerol
4) By-product:
PC = none
Lactic = lactic acid
Aerobic = water and carbon dioxide
What is oxygen debt?
Ocygen debt occurs after exercise and is also known as Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC) and is the amount of oxygen required to be consumed by the body to return all bodily functions to normal
What is oxygen deficit
Oxygen deficit occurs during exercise and is the amount of oxygen required to be have a sufficient oxygen supply to maintain the level of intensity of the exercise. It occurs when the body can't supply the working muscles with enough oxygen