Poetry revision


Extract from, The Prelude

Checking Out Me History



The Emigree

My Last Duchess


Storm on the Island

A statue of crumbled by the power of nature in the desert.

"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings"

"Half sunk, a shattered visage lies"

Link to Tissue - human life is precious and can end.

It's about what can be seen in London.

"The mind-forged manacles I hear"

"the hapless soldier's sigh"

A message for change - a change to London - London's conditions

Link to COMH - message for change.

The author as a young boy, steals a boat and whilst rowing he sees a huge intimidating mountain.

"a huge peak, black and huge"

"It was an act of stealth"

The power of nature - shouldn't be messed with

Wordsworth was a romantic poet (loved nature and individualism).

The poem is based on the pharaoh Ramesses II.

The power of nature - destroys the memory of man.

Blake was a romantic poet.

Link to Ozymandias - the power of nature.

A duke is telling a messenger for his next wife about a painting of his last wife.

"Too easily impressed"

"There she stands as if alive."

Shows that men have power - The duke owned land, money and his duchess.

16th century - men were in charge

Link to London - power of man

The people on an island defend against a storm.

"We are prepared"

"We are bombarded by the empty air."

The power of nature - man can't be prepared and defend against it.

Possibly about the conflict in Northern Ireland at the time the poem was written.

Link to EFTP - the power of nature.

A mother remembers all the times she had to say goodbye to her son.

"I was brave"

"a single dove flew from the pear tree"

Link to The Emigree - saying goodbye to something you love.

Message about war - the bloodshed of it.

Poppies are a symbol of remembrance.

Describes the different types of paper.

"Fine slips from grocery shops"

"what was paid by credit card might fly"

About identity - different things made from paper

Link to COMH - identity

The poem is an extended metaphor about human life.

About someone remembering their country that they left.

"it may be sick with tyrants"

"I have no passport, there's no way back at all"

The power of memory - how much detail you can remember from them even if you were young.

Wrote it for people who had to leave their countries.

Link to poppies - memory

John Agard talks about the history he wanted to learn about.

"Dem tell me"

"Blind me to me own identity"

British education - don't talk about black history.

Link to Tissue - memory

John Agard was born in Guyana (British colony).