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System design, CDN- Content Delivery Networks, Microservices, EVENT DRIVEN…
System design
- Understand problem, establish design scope
casandra claster consist of 5 nodes, Keyes destribute by hash function
if quorum = 2 - request to node5-> save data in 5, 1, 2 -> 5 crash-> serch data in 1 and 2. If both dont have data -> error, if have-> send responce
Request to CASANDRA
update will create copy of the record with timestamp - if you want to read - need take data with latest timestamp
value - it just JSON, and no matter schema
need ask about
low latency between upload and user visibility, low latency when distributed video on stream
user app
user data, user metadata, user video
storage - 200K video per day
200K*1Mb = 200GB for one format - for 4 formats we need 600GB - some videos would be smaller
diff resolutions ~ 1,2 TB per day
Distributed cashing
cash pros
save most relevant info, predicted data
Problem with failure
celebrity(popular) post
add jitter
don't show all metadata - just show an approximation(aproximate statistics) - general tendency - it decrees number of requests to DB
sharding - partitioning - divide data, one pice - 1 server (by location, id....)
memhashed (not only about consistent hashing can be applyied on bussiness logic) can't have flexibele ammount of shade - have FIXED AMOUNT OF SHARD -to fixe it can use HIEARCHICKAL SHARDING(split one shard to smaller pieses) - it gives flexability
have master slaves for reading, writing - master. When master fall can choose master from slaves
sent, delivered, read reciepts
we have foreign key mapping, have relationship between objects
Message/task queue - monitor heartbeats and when one of the servers don't response - redirect request to another server using CONSISTENT HASHING
Tinder architecture
Main points
dirrect messaging
user1->request (messageTo(user2) XMPP or HTTP-> gateway-> ..->XMPP(peer-to-peer protocol - it push user when message is comes but not user pushes server)
Event Driven services
use Publisher - Subscriber module - use MESSAGE BROKER (send message asynchroniusly between servises) - Kafka
some transaction capability - garanty when you send a message once and get response - ok it 100% will be done in future
not good idea for banking account, financial app
poor consistency, there is not atomicity
CAP teorem
2 phase commit
have veraity of servers - 1 is leader and others followers - leader made update, others only read
leader sand request with commit to other servers - they give ACK(we get) to leader -> leader send command with prepare statements - commit _> others give ACK
deprioritizing messaging - deliver only nessesary message, exclude unnessesary fiatures
Streaming events(video)
protocol - RTMP
used by Facebook, Youtube life
HTTP - send request from client to server and client get response, but it dont give abbility sent request from service to user
System design is the process of defining the architecture, interfaces, and data for a system that satisfies specific requirements.