How quickly can you boost cardiovascular health?
How quick is quick?
What can be measured?
What we could do to become healthy?
Change of diet
Working out
1 day - likely not nearly long enough to see any noticeable differences, enough to make a difference but not enough to actually notice that difference.
1 week - a pretty short amount of time but still long enough for slight differences to be made, consistency would likely persist throughout the one week, however it might be too small of a time frame to make a meaningful difference.
1 month - a pretty good amount of time, enough to make a meaningful difference in your health, but not too long to the point where consistency/uncontrollable factors become prominent.
1 year - a very long time frame, a pretty big difference in cardiovascular health would be made, but uncontrollable factors could become too much of an issue by this point.
Blood pressure
Blood sugar levels
Heart rate
What does "boost" mean
An overall meaningful improvement of cardiovascular health
What is Cardiovascular Health?
Overall health of heart and blood vessels, how well and consistently they function
Heart rate recovery from exercise
How well your cardiovascular system recovers from exercise, the speed of recovery shows how healthy the cardiovascular system is
How your cardiovascular system is affected by exercise, how much your heart rate is affected by exercise.
Less time sitting down - sitting down has been linked to bad cardiovascular health, so eliminating it may improve health
Time spent doing exercise
Other health complications
Time spent immobile
Previous levels of exercise
Commitment to study
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