technology meeting healthcare

Anatomy and Physiology

medical imaging

image artefacts

Familiar Tomographic Imaging Modalities


microfluidics fundamentals

CT : Computed Tomography

MRI : Magnetic Resonance Imaging

PET : Positron Emission Tomography

SPECT : Single Photon Emission CT

Image reconstruction



organ motion : cardiac and respiratory

head/body motion: reflexes, tremor

head/body motion: anxiety, boredom, discomfort, etc

degraded image quality : loss of contrast, loss of resolution, increase noise, blurring, streaking, ghosting

motion artifact dependencies

scanner : tomo v planar, sptial resolution, temporal resolution

other factors : use of support, image recon, physiological staus

motion : amplitude, duration, velocity, periodic v random, rigid v non-rigid

preventing motion

DRUGS - sedation/anaesthesia OR Paralysis

FORCIBLE RESTRAINT - non-invasive: thermo-plastic mask OR invasive : stereotactic frame, other surgical fixation

motion correction

excluding corrupt data, image registration, gating, deconvolution, data-driven approaches

event-by-event based compensation

Regulatory Affairs

Design control

design inputs

design outputs


validation (clinical data)

using standard

performance to manufacturer's specification

chemical physical and biological properties


powered devices (electrical safety, EMC, etc)

product information

Design Transfer

Design History File

Device Master Record

Technical File

ethics and social responsibility





macro responsibilites: environment, technology, customer/stakeholder/social

micro : whistleblowing, falsifying records, respecting intellectual property, corporate responsibilities and loyalties

system of moral principles, by which human actions and proposals may be judged good or bad, right or wrong

personal rules that govern how we behave towards others

moral codes built from upbringing, culture, life experiences and religious beliefs

ethical theories

rights ethics

virtue ethics

duty ethical


ethical egoism

tissue engineering

resolving ethical dilemmas


Line drawing


Bone cells


Nervous system



graded potentials

resting membrane potential : chemically-gated, voltage-gated, mechanically-gated

neurotransmitters : chemical messengers

synapse : pre, post and synaptic cleft

step 1 : depolarisation to thershold

step 2 : activation of Na+ channels

step 3 : inactivation of Na+ channels and activation of K+ channels

step 4: return to normal permeability

Bone Composition

heterogenous composite material consisting

○ A mineral phase : hydroxyapatite

○ An organic phase ( ~90% type ! Collage, ~5% noncollagenous proteins, ~2% lipids by weight)

○ Water

• If mineral removed = bone is too bendable

• If collagen removed = bone is too brittle


• Long bones - e.g. humerus

• Short bones - e.g. carpals

• Flat bones - e.g. frontal bone

• Irregular bones - e.g. vertebrate

• Sesamoid bones - e.g. patella

• Osteoclasts : are large cells that secrete enzymes to break down bone matrix (c - cut)

• Osteoblasts : synthesis bone matrix (b - build)

• Osteocytes : maintain tissue structure

Osteoporosis : drop in bone density

Fibrous joints – no movement

Cartilaginous joints – slight movement

Synovial joints – free movement

joint capsule

joint cavity with synovial fluid

articular cartilage

characteristics. : Striated, long, cylindrical multinucleate cells, Voluntary, Strong contractions, Not rhythmic

Functional units of myofibrils: Sarcomeres

skeletal muscle histology

Each muscle is made up of bundles of fascicles and is covered by the epimysium • Each fascicle is made up of bundles of muscle fibres (muscle cells) and is surrounded by the perimysium • Each muscle fibre is made up of bundles of myofibrils and is surrounded by the endomysium

Chambers : right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle

half deoxygenated and half oxygenated

layers of heart : visceral pericardium, myocardium, endocardium

coronary circulation : aorta, left coronary artery, circumflex artery, left anterior descending artery, right coronary artery

heart is a double pump

below the heart : systematic circulation

above the heart : pulmonary circulation


classifications of tissue

cell free constructs

cellular construct

in vivo implanation

soft tissue : skin, liver, brain and cartialge

hard tissue : bone

top-down approach VS bottom-up approach



biofabrication : Printers

bioprinting technologies with 3D imaging approaches potential to develop 3D systems of clinical relevance


therapeutics, diagnostics and imaging


types : metals, bioceramics, polymers, biologically derived materials, biocomposites

in certain conditions - can be used without eliciting acute toxic response

Opsonization: the bane of all intravenous NP
delivery for in vivo applications

evading by coating the surface or activating the complement protein system

passive : enhanced permeability and retention effect

active : ligand-receptor interaction

unintended accumulation of NP occurs in non-targeted organs

therapeutics (drug delivery), diagnostics and imaging

using microfluidics to control and program cell growth, at a single cell level

controlled delivery allowing drug levels to not reach toxic level

mass diffusion

flow regime

laminar : steady, parallel, with no interaction/disruption

turbulent : unsteady, interact with each other

droplet generation

manipulation : splitting, merging, multiple emulsions


cell encapsulation/cell sorting

cerebral palsy

physical disability that affects movement and posture

implants : current treatments are surgery with permanent loss of functions although future treatments using engineering should hopefully include selective muscle control

brain computer interface

reduce re-calibrations

increase privacy

direct eye-communcation

context dependent

solution : sending small electrical signal into a nerve stops the muscles from receiving the contraction signal

implants injected by a non-surgical clinician

neonatal intensive care

Music EEG

3D printing virtual twin mannikins

physiological signal analysis

resuscitation monitoring

17 million people affected : with the most common form being spastic (70-80%), ataxic (6%), dyskinetic (6%), mixed types


sleep disorders

regulatory bodies

FDA, CE AND Department of Health

two-process models of how sleep works

circadian rhythms (process c)

sleep-wake homeostasis (process s)

REM : rapid eye movement

NREM - non REM

efficiency : time asleep/time in bed

takes longer to fall asleep (longer sleep latency)

more waking at night - greater wake after sleep onset

sleep apnoea : disorder characterised by interruption of breathing during sleep

insomnia : difficulty initiating sleep, difficulty maintain sleep

impacts : impaired cognition, reduce quality of life, increased increase and accidents, lost of productivity, impaired blood pressure and sugar

risk factors : premature mortality, CVD, cognitive decline, dementia, metabolic dysfunction and obesity, mental disorders, chronic physical conditions

measures of sleep in population based studies

Self-report, including stylised questions, sleep diaries, standardised questionnaires / diagnostic interview


  1. Management Responsibility
  1. Quality System
  1. Contract Review
  1. Design Control
  1. Document and Data Control
  1. Purchasing
  1. Control of Customer-supplied product
  1. Product Identification and Traceability
  1. Process Control
  1. Inspection and Testing
  1. Control of Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment
  1. Inspection and Test Status
  1. Control of Non-conforming Product
  1. Corrective and Preventive Action
  1. Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation and Delivery
  1. Control of Quality Records
  1. Internal Quality Audits
  1. Training
  1. Servicing
  1. Statistical Techniques

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biomedical modelling

data acquisition

solid modelling

numerical analysis