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Lymphatic/Immune System Belinda Santiago Period 2 - Coggle Diagram
Lymphatic/Immune System Belinda Santiago Period 2
Major Fnctns of the Lymphatic & Immune systm
protects your body from illness-causing invaders
maintaining body fluid levels
absorbing digestive tract fats
removing cellular waste
Locatn and fnctn of lymphatc orgns
Tonsils- simplest lymphoid organ, in back of throat, prevent germs from getting in BDY, appear as swelling of mucosa and named accordng 2 locatn (palatine, lingual, phargnl, and tubal); gather and remove pathogens (viruses) in food or air
Spleen: below stomach, LARGEST lymph. orgn; bld rich organ the size of a fist; site of lymphocyte prolifrtn and immune surveillnce & response, cleanses bld of aged bld cells and platelets
Peyer's patches- clustrs of lymphoid follicles in wall of distal portn of small intestine; similr struct to tonsils; locatn aids in fnctn: destroy bacteria, prevnting them frm breachng intestine wall, and generates memory cells
Thymus- bilobd lymphoid orgn; makes & trains T-cells that help your immune system fight disease and infection.
MALT- Tonsils, Peyer's patches, and appendx
Appendx- ofshoot of 1st part of large intestine; has large # of lymphoid follicles (SAME FNCTN S PEYERS PATCHES^)
Lymph nodes- cleanse lymph & immunse sytem actvtn (where lymphocutes activate and mount attck against antigens); lymph- fluid in vssls (lacks RBC)
Purpose & examples of first, second, and third line of defense
First line of defense
xternal bdy membranes (skn and mucosa)
Second line of defense
antimicrobial proteins, phagocytes, other cells (inhibit the spread of invaders;inflmmtn most important mechanism
chemicals and cells
phagocytes, NK cells, inflmmtry response, fever
Third line of defense
(LAST RESORT)- attacks particular foreign substance, takes longer than innate since it is specific
Innate(natural) immune defense
non-specific, general
1st line of defense- xternal bdy membranes (skn and mucosa); don't let any virus in
2nd line of defense- antimicrobial proteins, phagocytes, other cells (inhibit the spread of invaders;inflmmtn most important mechanism
physical barrier, keratin resistance to weak acids and bases
Humoral response
antibody mediated
antibodies, produced by lymphocytes, circulate freely in bdy fluids
bind temporarily to target cell and mark them 4 destructn
substnaces tht moblize adaptv defenses and provoke and immune response
Passive immunity
when ready antibodies r introduced 2 bdy; B cells not challeged; protection ends w antibdy degrading; 2 types
Naturally acquired immunity- antibdies delivered 2 fetus via placenta or 2 infant thru milk
Artificially acquired-injectn of serum like gamma globulin, protectn is immediate
Cells involved in the immune system and their fnctns
white bld cells tht ingest and degest foreign invaders
most abundant phagocytes but die from fighting; become phagocytc on xposure to infectious material
develop from monocytes & r chief phagocytc cell, most robust phagocytc cell
NK Cells
non-phagocytc, large granular lymphocytes tht police bld and lymph
attack cells that lack "Self" cell receptors
secrete potent chemcls tht enhance inflmmtry response
B cells- humoral immunity; dont activate naive T cells, present antigen to helpr T cell to assist their own activatn
T cells-cellulr immunity
Antigen presentng cells-engulf antigens and present fragments of antigens to T cells for recognitn
Adaptive(acquired) immune defenses
specific, exactly
3rd line of defense (LAST RESORT)- attacks particular foreign substances
takes longer than innate since it has to know exactly whats invading you
Humoral immunity and cellulr immunity
systemic, memory, and specific
Cellular response
lymphocytes act against target cells
directly- by killng infected cells indirectly-by releasing chemicals tht enhance inflmmtry response
AKA immunoglobins (Igs)- proteins secreted by plasma cells; T or Y shaped
dont destroy antigens byt prepare them for destrcutn by innate defenses
Active immunity
when B cells encountr antigens & prodce specific antibdies agasint them; 2 types
Naturally acquired: formed in response 2 actual bacterial or viral infctn
Artificially acquired: formed in response 2 vaccine of ded or attentuated pathogens
Disorders associated with the lymphatic/immune system
Tuberculosis- disease caused by germs tht are spread from person 2 person thru air; bacterium mycobacterium tuberculosis; 6 month treatment
Hand,Foot, and Mouth Disease- a mild, contagious viral infectn that affects the mouth, foot, and nose; fluid frm blisters
Measles- acute viral respiratry illness; highly contagious; can lead to many complications; shown as red rash
Haemophilus Influenza Type B (Hib)- type of bacteria tht causes many "interactions" like ear infctn & bronchitis
Chicken Pox- highly contagious disease caused by the varicella-zostr virus; itch red rash; use skn lotion
Meningitis- inflmmatn in the meninges covering the brain and spinal cord; non-polio enterovirus, thru cough or sneeze
Tetanus- infctn caused by bacteria clostridum tetanl tht produces painful mscl contrctn or "lock jaw"
Small Pox- serious infctious disease caused by the variola virus
Pertussis (Whooping Cough)- easily spread respirtry disease caused by the bacteria Bordetella Pertussis
Rubella- a contagious disease caused by the RuV virus
Enterobiasis (Pinworms)- white, parasitic worms that live in the large intestine of humans; emterobius vermicularis, can get from swallowing eggs on finger or fingernails
Malaria- acute feverish illness spread thru the bites of infctd female anopheis mosquitos; mosquito injects sporozoites, plasmodium
Toxoplasmosis-foodborne illness; toxoplasma gondii, can get from eating undercooked meat or shell fish, tender lymph nodes
Cholera- a diarrheal illness, extremely virulent disease; type O bld has higher risks; vibro cholera O or O,39
Hepatitis B- vaccine-preventable liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus; spread thru bdy fluids or sxtual contact w inftctd person/ tools
Polio- disabling and life threatening virus tht infects a person's spinal cord, causing paralysis; poliovirus; no cure
Pus- creamy yellow mixtr of ded neutrophils, tsu/cells, & living/ded pathogns
Abscess- collagn fibers laid down, walling off sac of pus; may need 2 b surgically drained
Granulomas- area of infctd macrophages surrounded by uninfctd macrophages and outr capsule
Immunodeficiency- congential or acquired conditns tht impair fnctn or productn of immune cell trnsplnt
Hodgkin's disease- acquired immunodeficncy tht causes cancer of B cells which depresses lymph node cells & leads 2 immunodeficiency
AIDS- Human immunodeficiency virus
Autoimmune disease
immune systm loses ability to distinguish self from foreign
produce antibody and sensitixd T cells tht DESTROY bdy tsu
ex.- R.A.-joints, M.G.- nerve mscl contractn, M.S.- yt mattr myelin, G.D.-hyperthyroidism, Type 1 diabetes-pancreatc cells, Lupus (SLE)- multipl organs, Glomrulonephritis-kidnet
immune responses to perceived (otherwise harmless) threat that cause tsu damage (overreactn to immune system NOT HARMFUL)
begin seconds after contact w allergen; bronchioles constrict making it hard to breathe
treatment: epinephrine
HIV- cripples immune systm by intrferng w T cells, NO CURE, swollen lymph nodes
Severe combined imunodefcncy (SCID) syndrome- genetc defect w marked deficiet in B & T cells; fatal if untreated; TREATMNT: bone marrow trnsplnt