Evolution of perspective on Consciousness
Consciousness was first mentioned in the 5th century by Plato and Hippocrates. Plato thought the sould is immaterial, while Hippo thought the soul is formed by biological processes and thus tangible.
Rene descartes , one of the 17th centuries, viivid minds described the soul and body as the two components of human nature.The soul was thought of as the intangible, indepdent, immortal component that rests within the tangible, material, perishable body. This school of thought of dualism thrived in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries and garnered attention from scientists like Franics Crick.
Crick said its inaccessible thereby it cannot be studied scientifically.
Karl Popper, the Vienna-born philosopher of science, and John Eccles agreed the soul is immortal and independent of the brain.
Some philosophers like Dnaiel Dennet suggested that consciousness is not a distinct, higher-order operation ofthe brain; rahter it is hte combined result of the computationals workings of the higher-order areas of the brain that is concerned with the later stages of information processing. :star: