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An Inspector calls themes - Coggle Diagram
An Inspector calls themes
Social Class
(priestly didn't agree with it)
Priestly designed the characters to resemble that all people "are members of one body"
social responsibility.
Working class = little money (eva/daisy)
Middle class = plenty of money and control (Birlings)
Upper class = inherited loads of money and land, often lords and ladies (Gerald)
Priestly thought that class shouldn't matter
used the play to reval the unfairness of class
In 1940's London, going to the theatre was mostly middle class activity, so the attitudes of the Birlings may have seemed familiar to some audiences. Priestley's presentation of eva/daisy as more honourable tat the upper classes might have caused some audience members to question their own prejudices.
In 1912, men and women had different rols within the family and society- priestly asks his audience to think about how people are treated differenty because of their gender.
women are supposed to be obsessed with "pretty clothes", shopping and weddings- sheila gazes adoringly at her ring.
they are protected against "unpleasant and disturbing" things.
-sheila gets eva sacked because of pride, vanity and jealousy- stereotypical female traits in the play.
shelia is accused of being hysterical- a state often associated with women at the time.
they're preoccupied with work and public affairs
gerald feels it is his duty to rescue eva/daisy fro the womanising Alderman Meggarty.
gerald is allowed to sleep around before his marriage, sheila isn't. arthur says that even in his day they "broke out and had a bit of fun sometimes. there are different rules for men and women.
young and old
The older generation are old-fashioned
Arthur and Sybil are very traditional and think they know best- that children should be seen and not heard, and they don't like their authority to be challenged.
The younger generation are different
eva/ daisy "had lots to say- far too much" her courage is the main reason Birling sacked her.
The younger generation are shown as challenging the authority of their elders- this threatens Birling who tells them they'd " better keep quiet "
The younger generation learn their lesson, theres a chance for an equal and fairer society in the future.
Eric and Sheila learn that they are responsible for their actions and that their decisions affect other people.
Gerald's the oldest young man around
Gerald is already old in attitudes- a younger version of Arthur (shallow and stubborn).
his marriage is for business reasons.
he agrees with birling for firing eva/ daisy
he doesn't learn anything
at the end of the play, he thinks that his engagement is back on- "everything's all right now, Shelia"
Family life
In 1912 parents were in charge and children were expected to be obedient.
work to support their "perfect family"
protect from "unpleasant and disturbing things"
marry into money so they don't have work
plan parties and visit friends
Britain in 1912 and 1945
In 1912, Britain was a brutal place. British society was firmly divided along class lines. Those with the most money had the most power.
The labour party was formed in 1906 to represent the working class.
Only men who owned property could vote and women could not vote at all.
-There was a dangerous tension going between the big European Countries which resulted in the first world war.
-Things had got better in 1945, but there were still big problems. After the war, all of society united to fight for their country and decided to equalise society.