morquio syndrome
what does morquio syndrome do to your body
it effects your bones
it effects your organs
it effects your physical abbilities
you will have diffuclty walking
some have ongoing breathing
visions or cardiac issues
what are symptoms of morquio syndrome
short torso
abnormal bone and spine development
bell shaped chest
ribs flared out on the bottom
short stature (shorter then people your age)
curved spine
hypermoblie joints (joints that are more flexible then normal)
knock-knees (knees curve in)
misshapen arms and legs
who was the first person to get diagnosed with it?
Luis mosquito was the first person to diagnose someone with morquio syndrome
in 1929 a family of 4 got diagnosed with morgue syndrome
Sarah long Is the oldest person to have mosquito syndrome, she is 49
how does morquio syndrome effect people?
unstable vertebrae
the bones that make up the spine can slip and put pressure on the spinal cord
cord compression can come on slowly
breathing problems
walking problems
what are the 2 types of morquio syndrome?
type B, in which there isnt enough of the enzyme beta-galactosidase.
type A in which an enzyme called galactosamine-6-sulfatase is missing
there are type A and type B in morquio syndrome
how did morquio syndrome get its name?
it takes its name from a doctor who was thr first person to diagnose someone with morquio syndrome
morquio syndrome was named after DR morquio who discoverd morquio syndrome
who is dr morquio
click to edit
dr morquio is a pediatrician in montevideo uruguay