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Control of Processes in the Food Industry - Coggle Diagram
Control of Processes in the Food Industry
Concepto De Calidad En La Industria Agroalimentaria.
El concepto de calidad de los productos alimentarios es complejo y evolutivo.
Engloba aspectos muy variados tales como la "seguridad sanitaria",
Food Hygienic Quality Control.
to prevent diseases transmitted by
them, it is necessary to implement a Quality Assurance System (SAC), which allows to minimize the dangers by which the hygienic quality can be affected
of food
Traditional Hygienic Quality Control Systems
Las Buenas Practicas De Manufactura
Procedimientos Operativos Estandarizados De Limpieza Y Desinfeccion
Sistema De Analisis De Peligros Y Puntos Criticos De Control
El Normas Iso
El Codex Alimentarius
El Autocontrol En La Industria Agroalimentaria.
The New Approaches to Food Security: The
Risk Analysis
Food Sanitary Safety (SSA) involves the continuous evaluation of a
sector, both in processes and in final products,
Food Security In The International Contextl
Con el fin de lograr una mayor independencia de las presiones públicas y
privadas, se impulsa la creación de Agencias de Seguridad Alimentaria,
..Current Regulations on Hygiene and Food Safety
Hygiene standards for all food products have suffered over the years.
In recent years, a process of consolidation, updating and simplification has affected a significant number of Community regulations and directives
Self-control and Food Safety
food sector are obliged to design and implement
Self-control systems in order to ensure hygiene in all phases of the food chain
Tools for Self-Control in the Industry
Microbiological hazards are illnesses caused by bacteria,
viruses and parasites. Conditions are usually acutes.
I.Chemical Hazard Identification
Food may contain toxic chemicals, which can
directly or indirectly affect the organism's ability to survive
Physical Hazard Identification.
hard or sharp objects (glass, metal or
wood) of 7 mm in its greatest dimension when they are present in those that represent a physical danger to the consumer
Food Quality And Analysis..
globalized markets, food quality controls
they were acquiring greater importance, until today becoming a strategic necessity
Traceability is a system by which the history of the product can be retrieved.
food, its use and location through registered codes.
. Sistemas De Autocontrol: El Sistema APPCC.
HACCP: Principles and Implementation Stages.
1ª etapa. Selección del equipo de trabajo APPCC
2ª etapa. Definir los términos de referencia
3ª etapa. Descripción del producto.
4th stage. Identify the expected use for each product
5ª etapa. Elaborar un diagrama de flujo del proceso de fabricación.
Application of HACCP to Primary Production: Products
Vegetables, Animals for Supply, Fish and Seafood, Etc
La norma de referencia establece nuevas obligaciones en materia de higiene para
los operadores de empresas alimentarias,
Aplicación Del Appcc A La Industria Láctea.
Debemos tener precaución también a la hora de aplicar y seleccionar los
tratamientos térmicos a la leche, ya que en la realidad se plantean tratamientos estándares,
Aplicación Del APPCC A La Industria Cárnica
controles de seguridad internos , medidas preventiva s y puntos de control
Application of the HACCP to the Vegetable Products Industries.
When the control measure consists of separation based on the analysis of
mycotoxins, the critical limit will normally be set at the acceptable level
Standardization And Certification In Relation To
Quality And Food Safety
Normas Iso (Iso 9000:22000).
ISO-22000 is a standard for developing and implementing Quality Management Systems.
Food Safety,
Brc Standard: General
The BRC standard is designed for any provider, regardless
of the product or country of origin, that supplies food products to businesses
Development Of The Sections Of The Brc Protocol
The Brc protocol provides a basis for safety assessment
food, legality and general quality management
Implantación Práctica De Brc
Esta norma se desarrolló para ayudar a las compañías de distribución británicas
con productos de marca propia a garantizar el cumplimiento con los requisitos legales
Other Certification Systems
The Certification Process
Pressure from consumers, environmental groups and agencies
government, leads today, the entire food chain to develop and implement systems
of food safety management.
The certificate of the food safety management system demonstrates that
Your company is committed to supplying your customers with safe food
the Certification Entities
The certification of your food safety management system is a point
fundamental starting point for the recognition of your products in the market
Certificación De Los Sistemas De Calidad Y Seguridad
Accreditation verifies the competence of the certifying body. A
accreditation authority assesses whether the certification body meets the accreditation criteria