1. Lead and its compounds. Extraction, treatment, preparation and use of lead, its ores, its alloys, its combinations and all products containing it, and in particular: *
:check:Extraction, processing, metallurgy, refining, smelting, casting, rolling and casting of lead, lead alloys and lead metals.
:check: Manufacture and repair of lead accumulators.
2. Mercury and its compounds. Extraction, treatment, preparation, use and manipulation of mercury, its amalgams, its combinations and any product containing it, and especially: :check: Extraction and recovery of the metal in mines and industrial waste.
3. Cadmium and its compounds. Preparation and industrial use of cadmium, and essentially:*
:check:- Preparation of cadmium by processing of zinc, copper or lead.
:check: Manufacture of nickel-cadmium accumulators.
:check: Manufacture of cadmium pigments for paints, enamels, plastics, paper, rubber, pyrotechnics.
4. Manganese and its compounds. Extraction, preparation, transport, handling and use of manganese and its compounds, and in particular:
:check: Extraction, handling, transport and processing of pyrolusite, manganite, silomelane and rhodoprosite.
manganite, silomelane and rhodoprosite.
:check:Manufacture of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys with manganese dioxide, especially ferromanganese (Martin - Siemens steel).