'To what extent is social-media responsible for the increase in knife-crime in the UK?'

Potential issues

Is social media an 'easy blame'

Social media

The Social Learning Theory

Drill Music

Threatening actions/posts being posted online

Younger audiences may be easily swayed by certain images


Lack of educational opportunities meaning people may turn else where to gain experiences

Could school exclusions play a role?

Children don't have anywhere to go once they've been excluded and may feel hopeless afterwards and may turn to gangs to get something out of their life

Are young people more targeted generally? Majority of knife crime victims that are portrayed in the news are those between the ages of 12-25

The Impact of Austerity

The lack of spending from the gov into youth services has declined rapidly

Can create unstable and potentially toxic environments for children

May feel unsafe in certain communities and turn to ways to protect themselves

The Poverty Cycle

Impressions of Police Officers

Reports of police misconducts have rapidly risen over the years

Can stain the trust between police officers and the communities

Police tactics have created distain between citizens and law enforcement

people may carry knives as they don't feel protected by police officers

Family and Childhood

links to poverty and crime

Turning to crime may offer new opportunity does those who have been disadvantaged by the social system and the government




Anti knife crime campaigns and advertisement

(NKBL) 'No Knives, Better Lives campaign'

Metropolitan Police campaigns

Project Alpha

Operation Spectre

'Choose a different ending'

'Lives not Knives' Leicestershire Police

LifeorKnife Westmidlands Police

lack of male role models

could people seek validation through other means such as gangs which then turn to violent crime

huge devastation upon the families

Can a fathers presence influence other lifestyle factors such as turning to crime

why knifes not guns

only focusing on the social aspects what about psychological/biological