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Algorithms - Coggle Diagram
Sorting algorithms
- Takes a number of elements in any order and output them in a logical order
- This is usually numerical or lexicographic (phonebook style ordering)
- Most output elements is ascending order, but can typically be slightly altered or their output reversed in order to produce an output in descending order
Bubble sort
- Makes comparisons and swaps between pairs of elements
- The largest element in the unsorted part of the input is said to "bubble" to the top of the data with each iteration of the algorithm
- Starts at the first element in an array and compares it to the second
- If they are in the wrong order, the algorithm swaps the pair
- The process is then repeated for every adjacent pair of elements in the array, until the end of the array is reached
- This is one pass of the algorithm
- For an array with n elements, the algorithm will perform n passes through the data
- After n passes, the input is sorted and can be returned
A = Array of data
for i = 0 to A.length - 1:
for j = 0 to A.length - 2:
if A[j] > A[j+1]:
swap A[j] and A[j+1]
return A
- Can be modified to improve efficiency
- A flag recording whether a swap has occurred is introduced
- If a full pass is made without swaps, then the algorithm terminates
- With each pass, one fewer element needs comparing as the n largest elements are in position after the nth pass
- Bubble sort is a fairly slow sorting algorithm, with a time complexity of O(n^2)
Insertion sort
- Places elements into a sorted sequence
- In the ith iteration of the algorithm the first i elements of the array are sorted
- Warning: although the i elements are sorted, they are not the i smallest elements in the input
- Starts at the second element in the input, and compares it to the element to its left
- When compared, elements are inserted into the correct position in the sorted portion of the input to their left
- This continues until the last element is inserted into the correct position, resulting in a fully sorted array
- Has the same time complexity as bubble sort, O(n^2)
A = Array of data
for i = 1 to A.length - 1:
elem = A[i]
j = i - 1
while j > 0 and A[j] > elem:
A[j+1] = A[j]
j = j - 1
A[j+1] = elem
Merge sort
- Example of a "divide and conquer" algorithm
- Formed from two function. MergeSort and Merge
- MergeSort divides its inputs into two parts and recursively calls MergeSort on each of those two parts until they are of length 1
- Merge is then called
- Merge puts groups of elements back together in a special way, ensuring that the final group produced is sorted
- The exact implementation of merge isn't required, but knowledge of how it works is
- A more efficient algorithm than bubble sort and insertion sort, with a worst case time complexity of O(n(log(n)))
A = Array of data
if A.length <= 1:
return A
mid = A.length / 2
left = A[0...mid]
right = A[mid+1...A.length-1]
leftSort = MergeSort(left)
rightSort = MergeSort(right)
return Merge(leftSort, rightSort)
Quick sort
- Works by selecting an element, often the central element (called a pivot), and dividing the input around that
- Elements smaller than the pivot are placed in a list to the left of the pivot and others are placed in a list to the right
- This process is then repeated recursively on each new list until all elements in the input are old pivots themselves or form a list of length 1
- Quick sort isn't particularly fast, with time complexity O(n^2)
Analysis, design and comparison of algorithms
Analysis of algorithms
- There are two things you check when developing an algorithm:
- Time complexity
- Space complexity
Time of complexity
- How much time an algorithm requires to solve a particular problem
- The time complexity is measured using a notation called big-o notation, it shows the effectiveness of the algorithm
- It shows the amount of time taken relative to the number of data elements given as an input
- This is good because it allows you to predict the amount of time it takes for an algorithm to finish given the number of data elements
O(1): Constant time complexity -> The amount of time taken to complete an algorithm is independent from the number of elements inputted
O(n): Linear time complexity -> The amount of time taken to complete an algorithm is directly proportional to the number of elements inputted
O(n^2): Polynomial time complexity (example) -> The amount of time taken to complete an algorithm is directly proportional to the square of the elements inputted
O(n^2): Polynomial time complexity -> The amount of time taken to complete an algorithm is directly proportional to the elements inputted to the power of n
O(2n): Exponential time complexity -> The amount of time taken to complete an algorithm will double with every additional item
O(log n): Logarithmic time complexity -> The time taken to complete an algorithm will increase at a smaller rate as the number of elements inputted
- A logarithm is similar to the inverse of an exponential
- The logarithms is an operation that determines how many times a certain number (base) is multiplied by itself to reach another number
Space complexity
- The space complexity of an algorithm is the amount of storage the algorithm takes
- Space complexity is commonly expressed using Big O (O(n)) notation
- Algorithms store extra data whenever they make a copy. This isn't ideal
- When working with lots of data, it's not a good idea to make copies as this will take up lots of storage which can become expensive
Designing algorithms
- An algorithm is a series of steps that completes a task
- When you design an algorithm your main objective is to complete a task, the next objectives are to get the best time complexity and the best space complexity
- When you try to minimise the time and space complexity you might get conflicted thinking about which one of the two complexities are more important. It is entirely dependent on the situation
- To reduce the space complexity, you make sure to perform all the changes on the original pieces of data
- To reduce the time complexity, try to reduce the number of embedded for loops as possible
- Try to reduce the number of items you have to complete the operations on, for example the divide and conquer algorithm accomplishes this and results in a logarithmic algorithm
Comparison of algorithms
Linear search algorithm:
- An algorithm which traverses through every item one at a time until it finds the item its searching for
- The Big-O notation for a linear search algorithm is O(n)
Binary search algorithm:
- A divide and conquer algorithm, this means it splits the list into smaller lists until it finds the item it's searching for
- Since the size of the list is halved every time it's a Big-O notation of O(log(n))
Bubble sort algorithm:
- Passes through the list evaluating pairs of items and ensuring the larger value is above the smaller number
- It has a polynomial Big-O notation O(n^2)
Searching algorithms
- Used to find a specified element within a data structure
- Numerous different algorithms exist, each of which is suited to a particular data structure of format of data
- Different algorithms are used depending on each individual scenario
Binary search
- Can only be applied on sorted data
- Works by finding the middle element in a list of data before deciding which side of data the desired element is to be found in
- The unwanted half of the data is discarded and the process repeated until either
- The desired element is found
- Or it is known that the desired element doesn't exist in the data
- With each iteration, half of the input data is discarded
- The algorithm is very efficient
- The time complexity of binary search is O(log n)
A = Array of data
x = Desired element
low = 0
high = A.length - 1
while low <= high:
mid = (low + high) / 2
if A[mid] == x:
return mid
else if A[mid] > x:
high = mid -1
low = mid + 1
return "Not found in data"
Linear search
- The most basic searching algorithm
- Looks at elements one at a time until the desired element is found
- Doesn't require the data to be sorted
- A great deal of pot luck, but easy to implement
- Sometimes gets lucky and finds desired element almost immediately
- In other situations, the algorithm is incredibly inefficient
- Time complexity of O(n)
A = Array of data
x = Desired element
i = 0
while i < A.length:
return i
i = i + 1
return "Not found in data"
Path finding algorithms
Dijkstra's algorithm
- Dijkstra's algorithm finds the shortest path between two nodes in a weighted graph
- Graphs are used as an abstraction for real life scenarios
- Nodes and edges can represent different entities
- Implemented using a priority queue, with the smallest distances being stored at the front of the list
- Below is a step-by-step example of using Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path between A and E
Step 1
- Starting from the root node (A), add the distances to all of the immediately neighbouring nodes (B, C, D) to the priority queue
- The table below should be used to keep track of visited nodes and distances
- Begin by filling in the 'Node' column with the nodes connected to the root node
- The 'From' column should contain the node you are travelling from
- The 'Distance' column contains the distance between these two nodes
- The 'Total distance' is the sum of the distances from the root node to that particular node
- The node which is the shortest distance away from the root node is highlighted and selected for the next stage
Step 3
- Continue repeating step 2 until the goal node is reached
- Once again, we repeat the same process for node D
- As we have now visited all of the nodes on the graph, we can confirm by tracing back through the table above that the shortest is ADE
Step 2
- Remove the node the shortest distance away, from the front of the queue
- Now traverse all of the nodes connected to the removed node C
- If the total distance passing through the removed node to the neighbouring node is smaller than the distance currently stored with this node, update this value to the smaller distance
- C has two neighbours: B and E. The shortest total cost of travelling to E so far is 13, as it is less than the infinite value previously allocated to E
- Travelling from A to C to B adds up to a total cost of 5, while travelling from A to B has a cost of 7. B's cost value is therefore updated to 5
- We can remove routes that are not the shortest way to get to a particular node
A* algorithm
- TA general path-finding algorithm which is an improvement of Dijkstra's algorithm and has two cost functions:
1) The actual cost between two nodes - the same cost as is measured in Dijkstra's algorithm
2) An approximate cost from node x to the final node, called a heuristic, which aims to make the shortest path finding process more efficient
- The approximate cost is added onto the actual cost to determine which node is visited next
Step 1
- The method used here is very similar to the method used in Dijkstra's algorithm
- The difference is that the heuristic cost is added onto the actual cost to calculate the total cost
- Again, the route with the lowest total cost is selected to traverse further
Step 2
- The node D is then selected
- As 11 is the shortest total distance, the algorithm terminates
- The shortest route is found to be ADE, at a cost of 11
- The heuristics used here allow the shortest path to be found much quicker than when using Dijkstra's algorithm
- How effective the A* algorithm is depends on the accuracy of the heuristics used