media revision (pt1) film and newspaper
set pieces tmwtgg and no time to die
the man with the golden gun gender
the gender representation inthe golden gun represents women as voyaristic linking the male gaze theory
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gender representation in no time to die
the gender representation in no time to die shows women as being strong and powerful aswell including some of them being voyaristic but being able to fight
the representation of males in tmwtgg they are represented as being dominant and powrfull showing little to none emotion
the reperentation of men in no time to die they are still powerfull but also show emotion in his movie and arent just cold they are able to show other emotions
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features of a film poster
there are features that are in allot of posters e.g. showing the director, a primary and secondary image ,billing block and release date
there are features that are in allot of posters e.g. showing the director, a primary and secondary image ,billing block and release date
there are 2 forms of political ideologies
right wing beleaves that level of social inequaliy is unavoidable rich people employing the poor being natural order of things tend to support laissez-faire letting it be
left wing reduce gps in society support higher taxes on the rich moreliberal and aggressive in thier viewsand being kinder towards immegration
aims of the news paper report the truth enhance is agenda inform the public and make money
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the sun (right wing)
this newspaper is presented as a tabloid generally supporting the conservative party headlines shown this through the support e.g.boris johnson being probrexit and its headlines being focussed on the downsides to immigration
they are in support of people that have political power e.g. borris johnson and they talk good about him and show him in a good light sayng he is the person to lead Britain to a good future using brexit
the guardian
they show people with power like borris and calling him unfit and not helpful for leading the uk with calling him words like slow and unefficient
the guardian is full of information and not pictures with its target audiance being more intelectual and older audiances
they are presented as a broad sheet generally suort the labour party shown throught the support of kier starmer headlines and articles have sympathised with the lightof migration
the raget audiance of the sun is younger audiances as it jeeps u with celebrity gossip and has quite afew pictures with not alot of information not talking about more pressing matters