4.1.4 Protectionism
trade between countries is restricted in some way - normally through measures to reduce the number of imports coming into a country
non-tariff barriers
a tax on a good coming into a country
increases price of good and makes it less competitive
reduces demand for imports
encourages demand for home-produced subs
rises revenue for government
There is an inward shift in demand when tariffs are place on a product - so there is less supply
Physical restriction in the number of goods coming into a country
restricts actual quantity of import allowed into a country
raises price of imports
encourages demand for domestically made subs
Non-tariff barriers
any method not covered by a tariff, most usually: rules, regulations, legislation, extracting standard or specifications
reasons for
protect domestic industries
protect domestic employment
political pressures
protect cultures
prevent dumping
selling goods in the destination country below cost to break into that market