Educational Game in Scratch

Game Ideas

Math Games

Spelling Game

Quiz Game

Basic English grammar

Softwares that would be used



I'm deciding or considering if I should make a basic english grammar game because the age range for my target audience is around 5-6 years old.

For this spelling game, the words would be basic and simple, since it's for younger aged kids. I am considering if I should create different levels for the spelling.

The math game would include several questions with different levels of difficulty. I would provide examples for each math equation for further understanding.

To create the quiz game, I'm considering if I should include some math or science questions. Having a variety would be more interesting for the audience.

Scratch would be my main software that would be used to create this educational and entertaining game.

I would use procreate to create my own characters or variables if scratch doesn't have the character or thing I want to use in my game.

Platforms that would be used

I would only be able to use the apple platform because I don't have any other platforms that are available for me to use at the moment.

Methods that could be used

Some methods I could probably use are

Gathering information

Gathering refrences


Before developing my game, I should gather references for my main game. I should be able to work better and be more creative with references.

Before I develop the ideas for my game, I should research information about my target audience and if there are specific ways they learn.

I should go on scratch and browse the games and also use them as some of my inspiration and resources.


I should research about what color kids would like and what colors kids dislike more. Maybe the kids would feel uncomfortable playing the game if the theme was red and black. Red probably reminds them of blood and black reminds them of the darkness.

Simulation game

I was considering if I should create a simulation game but, I was considering if my game would end up having too many rules which would make the younger aged students confused.

Kids like bright colors, but for my game, I would want to create a calming atmosphere so the kids can solve the problems without the bright colors making their eyes uncomfortable.

I'm not too sure if a tablet counts as a platform but if it is, I would use my tablet for procreate to create any characters or variables I need for my game.

I found a really cool simulation game that I could use as a reference if I want to create a simulation game

After researching and a couple of browsing, I've decided that I want to make a math game with a little guide.

Screen Shot 2023-03-14 at 22.41.28

The guide would be a mysterious creature that represents creativity and it also looks fun and interesting at the same time

If I'm going to make a quiz game, I shouldn't mix questions that are way too random and has no correlation between each other.

I can ask Mr. Avi if there are any codes I don't understand or if there are bugs showing up in my game that I can't fix.

For some games, Mr. Avi showed us some games that he made, I can take a look at his game's codes and get an idea of what to make or how to make the game.

In my opinion, I want the little guide to either be a mystical creature or a talking animal. I don't really want it to be human because I feel like that would take away a part of the creativity.

Personally, although I do understand that kids do like brighter colors but maybe for a math game, you need to cool down your mind and concentrate on the calculation to think clearly.

Unrelated but it came to my mind- I really like digital drawing and I used to use procreate. But now for my drawings, I liked to use Clip Studio Paint more. The functions and the abilities of the app is amazing.