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Self Making and Self Help - Coggle Diagram
Self Making and Self Help
Unity: The state of being joined or united as a whole
Martin Luther King Jr.:One of the most prominent civil rights leaders in American history, a man who never stopped fighting for what he belived in. Someone who truly had a passion for equality and brining people together. "Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial predjudice pass away and the deep fog of understanding be lifted from our communities."
"Letters From Birmingham Jail" A letter written by MLK to adress those who were fighting for his cause. He covers a variety of issues one main point being the fact that he believes that a peaceful apporach is the only proper way to get the job done. So that they may not be vilified by respected.
Patriotism: Devotion or vigorous support for ones country
Marco Rubio: An American politician who in his run for president had summarized the true core of the American way of life. He ran on a platform of unity in which he had attempted to bring the American people together by reigniting the spark that the country was founded on
Thomas Paine: A founding father who wrote "On Common Sense" a document that's sole purpose was to unify the American people. It was created to open the eyes of those who hadn't seen that they were being mistreated by Britain. It was made to get the Americans to band together to secure their freedom. "Instead of gazing at each other with suspicious or doubtful curiosity, let us each
Betty Frieden: A major voice in the fight for Women's equality in American. Who some would consider to be the spark that ignited the second wave of feminism. "The problem with no name. The words that women would use to express it. Sometimes a woman would say. I feel empty...somehow incomplete." Her voice is what brought attention to the fact that women still didn't have their full rights. She made major strides in bringing equality to the U.S
Individualism: A social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective state control
Freedom From Bondage
Phyliss Wheatly: An amazing poet who was sold into slavery as a child. The first published black author in America. She was able to break free from her bonds by shocking the world with her amazing literary capabilities. Her owners had encouraged her to pursue education and gave her her freedom soon after her book was published.
"To the Honorable William, Earl of Dartmouth" One of Wheatly's well Known pieces in which she speaks from the heart and her own experience. She Writes about the tragedies of being stolen and sold into slavery. She uses her own experiences to further her point wishing that it may never happen again. "Such, such my case. And can I then pray Others may never feel this way"
Frederick Douglass
A man who was born into slavery, who through pure willpower was able to free himself from the chains of his oppressors. A man who once was broken by the actions of his masters, revitalized by his potential. " "This battle with Mr. Covey was the turning point in my career as a slave. It rekindled the few expiring embers of freedom and revived within me a sense of my own manhood. It recalled the departed self-confidence and inspired me again with the determination to be free."
Self expression
Dale Carnegie: Author of the novel "How to Win Friends and Influence People" A man who set out to help people be who they are and become more comfortable with themselves. He was interested in public speaking and had a knack for expressing himself.
"How to Win Friends and Influence People" A novel that's sole purpose was dedicatesd to thsoe who needed that extra push to get themselves out there. He wanted to help those who really didn't know the first thing about expressing themselves.
Collectivism: The practice or principle of giving a group priority over the individual in it
Religion: A patricular faith or worship
Puritanism: A religion that revolves around very strict and limiting restrictions placed on the followers. A system where the indicidual had mattered much less than the whole of the group.
Mary Rowlandson: A puritan woman who was the subject of the novel "The sovereignty and The Goodness of God" A novel that tells the story of the capture of a woman who was forced to live with her captures. It was a novel used to put non puritan lifestyles under a negative light.
John Winthrop: Winthrop was a well-known and respected lawyer who wrote the novel "A Model of Christain Charity" But Winthrop was in no way a Paster or even an official of the church. He abused his stature as a way to manipulate the people into following his will. He had said that those with wealth were chosen by God and those without wealth were to live under them. "So that the rich and mighty should not eat up the poor, nor the poor and despised rise up against their superiors and shake off their yoke.
Weaponization of Scripture: In history many have taken words of holy documents and twisted them into tools of the oppressor.
John Edwards: In his writings he portrays God as a cruel being who can cast whoever he pleases into hell. He uses a platform of fear to control the masses, he takes the scripture which portrays the lord in a kind and benevolent light and uses it to control others. The wrath of God burns against them; their damnation don't slumber; the pit is prepared; the fire is made ready; the furnace is now hot, ready to receive them; the flames fo now rage and glow. The glittering sword is whet, and is held over them, and the pit hath opened her mouth under them."
Cotton Mather was a puritan minister who had retold the acts of the Salem witch trials in "The Tryals of Several Witches. "An horrible plot which if it were not seasonably discovered would probably blow up and pull down all the churches in the country.
Oppression of the individual
Opressive Government
Henry Thoreau:Author of "Civil Disobedience" believed that if your rights were in danger that you should make yourself heard. Civil Disobedience is a piece written to be a argument about an unjust state. A novel in which Thoreau makes his stand against an unjust government with his famous quote. " The government is best which governs the least.
Thoreau was a well-known abolitionist who would go on to inspire many others to stand up for their own freedoms
The Founding Fathers: A group of men from many different backgrounds. Authors, inventors and military men all banding together to stop the oppressive force of the British government.
The Declaration of Independance: The first official declaration step to the freedom of the colonies. The culmination of all the founding father's ideas and hard work. A document that states that their disdain for the crown and their goal of an independent nation. "In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: Our Repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince whose character is marked by every act which may depict a tyrant, is unfit to be ruler of the free people."
Andrew Carnegie: An irish immigrant who came to america with nothing to his name but his family. He went on to create a dynasty within American culture by creating a booming steel manufacturing company that would lead him to becoming one of the richest men in america
"The Gospel of Wealth" The novel written by Carnegie that covers the journey of his life. Through the ups and downs. It shows exactky how he made himself the man we all know. Where he speaks about giving everyone a chance but only if they were prpeared to make the most of it. "In bestowing charity the main concern is helping those who will help themselves. To provide the means in which those who desire to be better will be.
Romanticism: An artistic and literary movement which focuses on glorification of the past, idealization of nature and has a strong emphasis on emotion.
Edgar Allen Poe: An Author who is well known as one of the most popular Romanticism authors. Famous for his works he comes from a background of pain which heavily influenced his work. His work encompasses the beauty of Romanticism while having a dark and brooding overtone.
Elevation of self
Ragges to ritches: The idea of someone starting at the bottom and making their way to the top of society.
Benjamin Franklin: A founding father who came up from nothing once he went out on his own to create a name for himself. Franklin left his father's business to chase his own potential in Philadelphia. He was also a brilliant inventor and was very skilled in the arts of the printing press. "Dost Thou like life? Then do not squander time for that is what life is made of.
Hortatio Alger was a novelest who would write about the struggles that came from impoverished young men. He would tell the stories of the the unknown and help bring light to their cause.A quote from ragged dick "As Fosdick said you are Ragged dick no longer. He has taken a step upward, and is determined to mount still higher."
"Ragged Dick" The story of a young man who goes through hell and back to rise up from his place in the world. A boy who was just hoping for the chance to shine. He was given it by a kind older man who only asked for him to share the same grace.
Theodore Roosevelt:The 26th president of the U.S who prided himself upon a platform of self growth and improvement. He was a beacon for young men who needed guidence. He believed that every boy should work hard to become the best versions of themselves.
Fear:An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous.
Malcom X: He was an activist for black Americans similar to MLK but with major differences of approach. He believed to fight head on rather than take the passive route. Saying things such as "Why did they want that land? Independence. How did they get it? Bloodshed." Telling these people that the only way that they could be free is to take up arms against the white man. He continued on in this speech to use fear a tactic to vilify white people as a whole.
Anne Hutchinson: A puritan spiritual advisor who was seen as a threat to her puritan society due to her personal beliefs and the growing popularity of them. Feeling threatened the puritan society did everything in their power to discredit her and shut down her sermons. Even going as far to establish fake witnesses for their claims. "Here are six undeniable ministers who say it is true and yet you deny they did." Attempting to fear monger the populace so she would lose her credibility.