"And here I cannot but take notice of the providence of God in preserving the heathen. They were many hundreds, old and young, some sick, and some lame; many had papooses at their backs. The greatest number at this time with us were squaws, and they traveled with all they had, bad and baggage, and yet they got over this river aforesaid; and on Monday they set their wigwam on fire, and away they went. On that very day came the English army after them to this river, and saw the smoke of their wigwams, and yet this river put a stop to them. God did not give them courage or activity to go over after us. We were nit ready for so great a mercy as victory and deliverance." This is a quote about God, Predestination, and Faith in Mary Rowlandson.
Anne Hutchinson: She was a Charismatic spiritual leader. She banished from Mass, and killed In a raid. She had a few accusations that she broke the 5th ammendment, and she held improper meetings of men and women coming to her house. She spoke wrong about the puritans minister.