Investment & Finance Cycle + EFT Controls

Investment & Finance Cycle

Examples of transactions: Issuing shares; borrowing $$ from bank or other investors

Cycle is about transactions which a firm concludes to raise finance

Cycle is also about investments

Transactions in the cycle usually results in creation or alteration of an account balance

Number of transactions in this cycle are considerably smaller than everyday transactions such as purchases and sales, salaries and wages etc

Examples: PPE; making long-term loans; or investing surplus funds

Size of transactions normally material


Transactions frequently governed by legislation and a co's MoI

Accounts affected include: land and buildings; accounts receivable; accounts payable; bank, depreciation expense

Investment cycle documentation also includes: capital budgets; fixed asset requisitions; board of directors minutes; invoices; general ledger accounts (eg fixed assets; depreciation; profit/loss on disposal)

Activities in investment cycle

Addition of fixed assets

Disposal of assets

Repair and maintenance of assets

Finance activities

Funding sources: owner's equity + borrowings

Owner's equity

Issue shares

share buy-backs

Authorisation for share issues

Dividend declarations


$ inflow from long/short-term borrowings

Repayment of capital sum

Interest levied on borrowings

Authorisation for borrowings

Types of transactions: issue of shares; retained income; dividends declared; share buy-backs; loans/borrowings

Accounts affected: retained income; income/expense accounts; bank; shareholders for dividends; capitalised lease assets

Key documents: Minutes of shareholder/directors' meetings; debenture trust deeds; share certificates; loan/lease contract; mortgage bond

Controls in the Finance cycle







All recorded assets are valid (really exist) and are supported by proper documentation

Test of control

Select a sample of fixed asset purchases and inspect that the supporting requisition and capital budget exists.

Enquire with the client's personnel about the procedures w.r.t. purchasing of fixed assets and periodic comparison of fixed assets with book assets.

All purchases and sales are authorised according to company’s policy

All valid fixed assets are recorded and nothing is left out.

All fixed assets are recorded at the correct amount and totals are arithmetically correct

All transactions w.r.t. fixed assets and depreciation are correctly recorded

All transactions w.r.t. fixed assets are correctly classified according to its nature


All purchases and sales of fixed assets are recorded in the period to which it relates

General controls

Assets are properly safeguarded against theft and physical elements

Substantive procedures for all assertions


Substantive testing is an audit procedure that examines the financial statements and supporting documentation to see if they contain errors.

Rights & Obligations:Inspect the underlying documents of title deeds/contracts/lease agreements for terms and conditions, parties involved etc

Select a sample of items from the fixed asset register, including new additions, and physically inspect the assets

Additions of fixed assets

Disposal of fixed assets

Repairs & improvements

Valuation: Revaluation of assets; Depreciation; Amortisation of intangible assets; Impairment; Accounting estimates:

Completeness: Scrutinise minutes/contracts/lease agreements/invoices to identify any material purchase transactions and follow through to entry in fixed asset register.

Presentation and disclosure: Inspect the financial statements to ensure that amounts are classified and disclosed correctly in terms of IFRS

Substantive procedures in finance cycle

Substantive analytical procedures

Detail substantive procedures

Weaknesses & recommendations

Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT)

Reconciled bank account with cashbook montly

Reconciliation done by a person who is Independent of the person that prepares cashbook

Reconciliation reviewed by senior independent official

To effect the payment 2 passwords of 2 different senior employees entered

After payments made should be an: audit trail; payment should reflect on the bank statement; bank reconciliation should be performed

Reconciliation should be done by a person who is independent of the EFT transactions that were made

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