What if We Cannot Attend the Memorial Because of Exceptional Circumstances?
What the bible says
Biblical Example
What this means for us
Read Numbers 9:10, 11
In ancient Israel the Passover was held on the 14th day of the first month
or Nisan 14th
We observe the Lord's Evening Meal on Nisan 14th to this day
Upcoming Tuesday, April 4th
What if we cannot attend the memorial because of exceptional circumstances?
Consider, What the Bible says, a Biblical example, and what this means for us
special provision
This gave the Israelites two dates on which the Passover was observed
Nisan 14th, and the second month, Ziv 14th (30 days later)
Notice, this was NOT an alterative date free to choose, or for convenience
limited provision for Israelites who were ceremonially unclean, or a great distance away (exceptional circumstances)
2 Chronicles 30:2-4
Just had the Observance of the Festival of Unfermented Cakes
No time to get ready for the first month
Verse 3 mentions, The priests not ready, and the people weren't gathered
all of Israel observed the Passover in the second month
This was the only recorded instance of this provision being widely used
Other than such exceptional circumstances, the Jews kept the Passover on the date that God designated
Since then, Jesus instituted the annual celebration of the Lord’s Evening Meal.
The value of attending the Lord's Evening Meal cannot be overemphasized
This is the most important event in the year
Jesus commanded us “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.”
What if we cannot attend the memorial because of exceptional circumstances? such as illness or travel Complications
Depend if we have a heavenly hope or an earthly hope, or whether if you are of the anointed or the "other sheep"
someone who partakes each year is confined to a sickbed or a hospital
Special arrangements will be made to observe the Lord’s Evening Meal on Nisan 14th
we should plan months ahead to keep the date of the celebration free of any other appointments
Or an anointed Christian is away from his home congregation
it would only be under very exceptional circumstances that an anointed Christian would have to celebrate the Lord’s Evening Meal 30 days later
Other Sheep
Most of us, who have hope of everlasting life on a paradise earth
someone of the other sheep class is sick or is traveling
could privately read over appropriate scriptures and pray for Jehovah’s blessing on the event worldwide on Nisan 14
in this case there is no need for any additional arrangement a month later.
we look forward to the Lord's Evening Meal this year
This is the most important event in the year
Let us make sure we can attend the memorial each year
This will make Jehovah, our God, very happy