Degree Levels



Les Bacheliers

short-term degree

1e cycle (first cycle)

concerns: bacheliers professionnalisants, bacheliers de transition, brevet d'enseignement supérieure

3-4 blocs annuels (annual blocks)

180-240 credits

Organized by Hautes Écoles and
Écoles supérieures des Arts

These are like universités, but not always offering master or doctorat studies

Les Masters

Long-term degree

2e cycle (second cycle)

after completion of the 1e cycle, these are the
last years of the master

concerns: masters, masters de spécialisation

4-5 blocs annuels (annual blocks)

240-300 credits

Organized by by Universités, Hautes Écoles, Écoles supérieures des Arts, the École Royale Militaire

Les Doctorats

long-term degree

3e cycle (third cycle)

after completion of the 1e and 2e cycles,
these years complete the doctoral degree

60 credits for certificat de formation à la recherche
(certification of research education)

180 credits for the doctoral thesis

Undergraduate Education

Associate's Degree

Usually at a community college


AS - Associate's of Science

AAS - Associate of Applied Science

AA - Associate's Degree

Bachelor's Degree

4-year program

Usually at 4-year colleges,
and universities


BA - Bachelor of Arts

BS - Bachelor of Science

Graduate Education

2-year program

Master's Degree

1-3 years of study

Usually requires a thesis

(most common)

Offered by a university

MA - Master of Arts

MS - Master of Science

MBA - Master of Business Administration

Doctoral/Doctorate Degree

Qualified upon completion of a Bachelor's degree

(Usually) qualified upon completion of a Master's degree

3-5 years of study

Requires a thesis or dissertation


PhD - Doctor of Philosophy

EdD - Doctor of Education

DBA - Doctor of Business Administration