spatial patterns are non random arrangements ushc as shpaes, clustersm geometry and repreated occurrences at regular intervals. Most service, vents and objects are non randomly arranged. They are usually put close to each other for a reason. Thus understadnign spatial patterns can help us to better understand the world. Spatial patterns can be easily identified on maps as tehy are usually represented by points, lines or polygons. They may appear as recognisable shapes adn polygons such as ovals and circles. For example, the train station on Circle Line are shaped as an oval. Clusters or concentrations on a map, the commercial buildings in singpaore are mostly clustered in the west, in areas such as Tuas and Pioneer. Repeated occurrence at regular intervals for example, bus stops are placed 400 metres away from each other, increaasing convenience na daccessibility, causing more poeple to use public transport.
spaitial associations refer to teh tendency of pairing certain subjects, events or objects for example oifts adn stairways are often located near each other. They usually show a link or connection between the two. For example, fitness centres are usually foudn near studio HDB blocks making it more convenient for the elderly as they do nto have to travel to another apartment or HDB block.
ynderstadnign spatial association can enhance our everyday living. For example, train stations and bus interchanges are often located near each other to increase convenience in switching between modes of transport. Understadnign this can help residents plan their trips and decreaase travelling time.