potential connect 615 total
Diaphyseal Dysplasia
38.Leg pain
• Total shoulder replacement
25.Elbow and arm pain
Air travel and jet lag
Aquatic Therapy for the Injured Athlete
Running Injuries
Shin Splints in Runners
32.Groin pain
Chapter 2 Elbow Injuries
Lateral and Medial Epicondylitis
Medial Collateral Ligament (Ulnar Collateral Ligament) Injuries
Treating Flexion Contracture (Loss of Extension) in Throwing Athletes
Treatment and Rehabilitation of Elbow Dislocations
Post-Traumatic Elbow Stiffness
Surgery for wrist conditions
Fractures and Dislocations of the Hand Bones
Spinal cord injury
Wrist Disorders
Nerve Injuries
Nerve Compression Syndromes
Rehabilitation after meniscal surgery
The Painful Knee: Evaluation, Examination, and Imaging
CHAPTER 22 Case Study: Pediatric Leukemia
Pain and musculoskeletal tissues
Paediatric Pathologies
60 Primary Care for Persons with Disability
43.Foot pain
Recognition of sudden cardiac arrest
- Orthopaedic Conditions
Major Conditions
37 Hand Disorders
28 Adult Motor Neuron Disease
16 Physiotherapy in Thoracic Surgery
48 Physical Inactivity: Physiological and Functional Impairments and Their Treatment
56 Children with Disabilities
54 Physical Activity for People with Disabilities
10 Disability Determination
57 Adults with Childhood-Onset Disabling Conditions
Unique response to skeletal injury
Musculoskeletal injuries and improvised splints
Detrimental responses to heat stress
Treatment of cold injuries and screening
Treatment of immersion casualties
Infective causes of fatigue
Non-infective causes of fatigue
Endocrine causes of fatigue
General Principles of Tumors
15.Rheumatological conditions
Common respiratory symptoms
Types of asthma
Sinus-related symptoms
Management of sinusitis
Conditions that may mimic exercise induced bronchospasm
Exercise and type 2 diabetes
8.Diabetes mellitus
Exercise and type 1 diabetes
Stress and mental illness
Forms of depression
Is obesity a disease?
7.Obesity What is obesity?
21.Physical activity in the prevention and treatment of depression
Medical illnesses
Musculoskeletal conditions
Putting things into perspective: sudden death and the prevalence of life threatening
Echocardiography and associated tests for structural disease (cardiac CT, CMR)
Clinical approach to symptoms that may be associated with important cardiac pathology
Diagnostic pathway for athletes with potential gastrointestinal disease
- Dysphagia
Gastrointestinal Pathologies
Upper gastrointestinal symptoms
12.Gastrointestinal symptoms
Lower gastrointestinal symptoms
Hydration, dehydration and hyponatraemia
17.Osteoporosis—physical activity for bone health
A word on frailty
Osteoporosis and prevention of fall-related fractures
Common infections in athletes
Other infections
14.Neurological conditions
Effect of physical activity in the treatment of stroke
Effect of physical activity in Parkinson’s disease: prevention, disease modification and
symptomatic benefit
Physical activity prescription for neurological conditions
Management of a seizure in the sport setting
Planning a physical activity program for patients with a neurological condition
Effects of physical activity on the management of epilepsy
Considerations in planning a physical activity program for those with multiple sclerosis
Does physical activity prevent the onset of multiple sclerosis or cause exacerbations?
22.Anxiety disorders
Other exercise-related renal impairment concerns
13.Haematuria and other urinary symptoms
Clinical approach to the athlete presenting with haematuria
Exercise for patients with renal transplantation
Clinical approach to the athlete presenting with proteinuria
abrasions of the bladder wall in long-distance runners
22.Infections of Bones and Joints
9.Sudden cardiac death in sport
Primary prevention of SCD in athletes—preparticipation cardiovascular screening
45 vascular diseases
Secondary prevention—responding when an athlete has collapsed
fracture risk
Diabetes mellitus
Exercise prescription for bone health in middle-aged and older adults—stratified by
29.Female-specific considerations: anatomy, physiology, injuries and performance
Management of concussion in the younger athlete
Exercise prescription for children with established chronic disease
Poor exercise tolerance and fatigue in the younger athlete
Dyspnoea on exertion in the younger athlete—what is the diagnosis?
32.The person with disability
Sport in rehabilitation
Ageing with spinal cord injury
Spinal cord injury in children
The incomplete spinal lesion
Ultra-high lesions
Gait training
The acute lesion
The biomechanical principles used in
Pressure – effects and prevention
Respiratory therapy
Wheelchairs and wheelchair management
Splinting for Nerve Palsies
Other fractures
29.Low back pain
5 Management of Burns and Plastic Surgery
14 Management of Respiratory Diseases
42 Rehabilitation of the Patient with Respiratory Dysfunction
8 Principles of Paediatric Physiotherapy
18 Upper and Lower Limb Joint Arthroplasty
9 Osteoarthritis
10 Common Chronic Inflammatory Polyarthropathies
19 Tissue Inflammation and Repair
11 Osteoporosis
- Spinal Conditions
15 Cardiac Disease
22 Physiotherapy for Amputees
Section 5: Gait and Low Backache
Section 3: Pelvic and Spine Fractures
18.Injuries Around the Hip
Coccyx Fractures
Rib Fractures
- Injuries of the Spine
- Peripheral Nerve Injury
Brachial Plexus Injuries
Physiotherapy Management in Peripheral Nerve Lesions
Classification of Nerve Injuries
Foot Drop
Claw Hand Deformity
Erb’s Palsy
Clinical approach to the difficult ankle
- Injuries of the Forearm, Wrist and Hand
Fracture Both Bones of Forearm
Essex-Lopresti Fracture
- Fracture Femur, Tibia and Fibula
Rehabilitation of scapular dyskinesis-a scapular rehabilitation algorithm
- Injuries around the Hip
Complications of Femoral Neck Fracture
- Injuries of the Knee Joints
Physiotherapy Measures After Arthroscopy
Acute Dislocation of Knee
- Injuries of the Elbow
Side Swipe Injuries
Injuries Around the Elbow
Physeal Fractures
Section 6: General Orthopaedic Disorders
- Osteoarthritis
Congenital Absence of Fibula
Developmental Dysplasia of Hip (DDH)
Congenital Elevation of Scapula
Radial Club-Hand
Congenital Disorders of the Neck and Upper Limb
Sprengel’s Deformity
Retention of CTEV Correction
Congenital Radioulnar Synostosis
Congenital Absence of Tibia
Cleidocranial Dysostosis
Congenital Disorders of Lower Limbs
- Developmental Disorders
Nail-Patella Syndrome (Onycho-Osteodysplasia)
Albright’s Syndrome
Chapter 8 Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Metaphyseal Dysplasias
Marfan’s Syndrome
Load Deformation Curve
Surgical Options in the Management of Acquired and Congenital Limb Deficiencies
- Metabolic Bone Disorders
- Rheumatic Diseases
Muscular Dystrophies
- Disorders of Joints
Neuropathic Joints (Charcot’s)
Orthopedic Deformities in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Infective Arthritis
Hemophilic Arthritis (Bleeder’s Joints)
- Bone Neoplasia
Bone Tumors of Cartilaginous Origin
Chondroma (Enchondroma, Chondromyxoma)
Tumors of Non-Osseous Origin
Synovioma (Synovial Sarcoma)
Inclusion Tumors
Multiple Myeloma (Plasmacytoma)
Unicameral Bone Cyst
Osseous Origin Bone Tumors
Osteogenic Sarcoma
Resorptive Bone Tumors
Ewing’s Sarcoma
Osteoid Osteoma
- First Aid and Emergency Care of the Injured
Goals of First Aid Treatment
Open Fractures
- Soft Tissue Injuries
Ligament Injury
Injury to the Bursa
Chapter 4 Tissue Injury and Repair
Injuries to the Joints
Injury to the Synovium
Special Types of Muscle Injuries
Approach to a Patient with Soft Tissue Injury
Posterior dislocation
Types of Fracture
Displacement of Fractures
Approach to Orthopedic Injury
Open Fractures
Other Forms of Fracture Immobilization
Management of Fractures
Classification (Gustillo and Anderson's Classification)
Approach in Compound Fractures
Ambulation After a Lower Limb Fracture
3.Sports injuries: acute
Classification of Sports Injuries
Common Sports Injuries
Section 4: Regional Disorders
Common Sports Injuries
Section 4: Regional Disorders
• Injuries to muscles and tendons
- Regional Conditions
Klenbock’s Disease
Calcaneal Spurs
Epiphysitis of the Calcaneum
Chondromalacia Patella
Non-traumatic Heel Conditions
Traumatic Disturbances
Traumatic Disturbances
Paralytic Hand
Injuries of the Hand
Fractions and Dislocations of the Hand
Congenital Anomalies of the Hand
• Fibrositis
33.Scoliosis and Other Spinal Deformities
- Fracture of the Pelvis
- Metabolic Bone Diseases
• Fluorosis
27.Poliomyelitis and Other Neuromuscular Disorders
• Disorders of the muscles
• Peripheral neuropathies
24.Infections of the Hand
- Joint Replacement Surgery
• Total joint replacement
• Partial knee replacement
Chapter 3 Shoulder Injuries
• Total elbow replacement
- Miscellaneous Regional Diseases
• Observation hip
• Deformities of the knee
• Flat foot
• Loose bodies in joints
• Deformities of the toes
21.Injuries to the Leg, Ankle and Foot
11.Deformities and Their Management
8.Injury to Joints: Dislocation and Subluxation
16.Hand Injuries
• Rolando's fracture
• Bennett's fracture-dislocation
• Amputation of fingers: Principles of treatment
1.Orthopaedic Trauma: Introduction
• Injuries to joints
• Classification of fractures
• Fractures with eponyms
• Pathological fractures
• Injuries to ligaments
Tendon Surgeries
3.Treatment of Fractures: General Principles
• Phase III Rehabilitation of a fractured limb
• Management of open fractures
28.Bone Tumours
• Some uncommon malignant tumours
• Primary malignant tumours
• Tumour-like conditions of bone
10.Peripheral Nerve Injuries
13.Injuries Around the Shoulder, Fracture Humerus
• Subluxation or dislocation of the acromio-clavicular joint
• Fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus
• Dislocation of the sterno-clavicular joint
6.Approach to a Patient with Limb Injury
• Old fracture
• Approach to a polytrauma patient
15.Injuries of the Forearm and Wrist
• Barton's fracture
• Lunate dislocations
• Smith's fracture (Reverse of colles' fracture)
- Arthritis and Related Diseases
• Other rheumatological diseases
- Degenerative Disorders
Joint injury prevention
• Fungal infections
• Brodie’s abscess
26.Congenital Dislocation of the Hip and Other Malformations
• Congenital dislocation of the hip (CDH)
• Other congenital malformations
- Miscellaneous Affections of the Bone
• Some other developmental abnormalities of orthopaedic interest
• Osteochondritis
• Generalised bone disorders
14.Injuries Around the Elbow
• Pulled elbow
9.Fractures in Children
• Types of fractures
31.Spinal Injuries
Assess for referred pain
32.Traumatic Paraplegia
• Neurological deficit and spinal injuries
12.Treatment of Orthopaedic Disorders: A General Review
20.Injuries Around the Knee
• Rare injuries around the knee
29.Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc
Sternal Deformities
Structural Dysfunctions
Important Soft Tissue Problems
Inflammatory (Acute) Stage
Tissue Specific Responses to Injury
Ligament Injury
Detrimental Effects of Immobilization
Models of Disablement
Epiphyseal Dysplasias
Medical Emergency Diagnoses
Recognizing a Medical Emergency
Lesions of the Nervous System
Medical Interventions for Nerve Injury
Nerve Injury Classification
Common Conditions
Whiplash-Associated Disorders
Rectus Abdominis Strain
Common Conditions
Pathologic Bone Formation
General Guidelines for Interventions for Spinal Dysfunction
Common Conditions
Deformities of the Arch
Lesser Toe Deformities
Common Conditions
Hip Flexion Contracture
Collum/Inclination Angle
Hip Preservation Surgery
Fractures of the Acetabulum
Common Conditions
Patellar Tracking
Common Conditions
Common Conditions
Wrist Sprains
- Congenital Disorders
Pediatric Orthopaedic Conditions
Acquired Conditions
Theories of Aging
Musculoskeletal Disorders and Diseases
Multisystem Dysfunction
Pathologic Conditions Associated with the Elderly
Neurological Disorders and Diseases
Geriatric Fractures
Management of musculoskeletal conditions
36 Cumulative Trauma Disorders
Torsional Conditions (In-Toeing and OutToeing)
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
Angular Conditions
Hemangioma/Vascular Malformation
Flat foot
Causes of Limping in Children
Blount’s Disease/Tibia Vara
Leg Length Inequality
Miscellaneous Conditions
- Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
13 Physiotherapy Management of Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Transition to Adulthood for Youth With Disabilities
Adults with Childhood-Onset Disabilities
Section 3. Management of Neurologic Conditions
- Children with Motor and Intellectual Disabilities
Primary Impairment
Incidence and Prevalence of Intellectual Disabilities
Etiology and Pathophysiology of Intellectual Disabilities
- Acquired Brain Injuries: Trauma, NearDrowning, and Tumours
Brain Tumours
Acquired Brain Injury: Diagnostic Techniques
- Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Diagnostic Criteria Across Autism Spectrum Disorder
Section 4. Management of
Cardiopulmonary Conditions
- Congenital Heart Conditions
Cyanotic Defects
Acyanotic Defects
Management of Children with Chronic Activity Limitations
Heart Failure
Lung Transplantation
- Children Requiring Long-Term Mechanical Ventilation
Incidence Chronic Respiratory Failure
- Congenital Muscular Torticollis
- Limb Deficiencies and Amputations
Background information Acquired Amputations
Congenital Neurofibromatosis
Overview of Prosthetics
Two More Limbs
23.Neck pain
Management of mechanical neck pain
External compression headache
36.Anterior knee pain
Treatment of PFP
What is patellofemoral pain?
Less common causes of anterior knee pain
Headache in sports
High-altitude headache
Hypercapnia headache
Cervicogenic headache
Post-traumatic headache
Post-traumatic migraine
Cervicogenic headache
Secondary headache
Primary exercise headache
Primary headache
39.Calf pain
33.Anterior thigh pain
Risk factors for acute hamstring strain
Chapter 6 The Arthritic Lower Extremity
Referred pain
Outcomes of exertional compartment syndrome surgery
37.Lateral, medial and posterior knee pain
Other causes of posterior knee pain
Less common causes of medial knee pain
Less common causes of lateral knee pain
Biceps Tendon Disorders
Tendon ruptures
- General Principles of Fractures, Dislocations and their Treatment
Other causes of lateral elbow pain
20.Sports concussion
42.Ankle pain
Other causes of medial ankle pain
27.Hand and finger injuries
27.Hand and finger injuries
Surgical referrals following hand injury Exercises for the hand
34.Posterior thigh pain
Prognosis of hamstring injuries
Treatment of quadriceps contusion
Other hamstring injuries
40.Pain in the Achilles region
Treatment of midportion Achilles tendinopathy
Predisposing factors for Achilles tendinopathy
Rehabilitation of Achilles tendon ruptures
Referred pain
Other causes of pain in the Achilles region (gradual onset)
38 Foot Disorders
Less common causes of forefoot pain
Clinical approach to midfoot pain
Less common causes of midfoot pain
Corns and calluses
24.Shoulder pain
Causes of shoulder pain-overview
General treatment and rehabilitation guidelines for the most common shoulder injuries in
- Fracture Clavicle and Injuries around the Shoulder
Treatment of GIRD
Pathomechanics of GIRD
Less common fractures around the shoulder
Return to play following shoulder injury
Less common causes of shoulder pain
Special note-immature skeleton
Other muscle tears around the shoulder
30.Buttock pain
Treatment of myofascial buttock pain
Referred pain from lumbar spine
Conditions not to be missed
Less common causes of buttock pain
Groin Pain
Prevention of groin injuries
Less common injuries
Other nerve entrapments
28.Thoracic and chest pain
35.Acute knee injuries
'Does this patient have a significant knee injury?'
Surgical or conservative treatment of the torn ACL?
Combined injuries
Chapter 4 Knee Injuries
Rehabilitation after ACL injury
26.Wrist pain
General tendinopathies around the wrist
Chapter 1 Hand and Wrist Injuries
immediate management of lacerations
Management of larger lacerations
Prevention of eye injuries
Prevention of facial injuries
Assessment of the injured eye
Emergency management
Nature of injuries
Other causes of the difficult ankle
Significant ankle fractures
Treatment of grade Ill injuries
- Injuries of Ankle and Foot
3 An Introduction to Fractures
Treatment and rehabilitation of lateral ligament injuries
41.Acute ankle injuries
31.Hip pain
Treatment of the patient with lateral hip pain
Prevalence of FAI
6.Pain: the clinical aspects
Surgical management of the injured hip
Nine principles of rehabilitation for hip pain patients
Principles of rehabilitation of the injured hip
Treatment of hip impairments
Predisposing factors for pain
4 The Intervertebral Disc in Health and Disease: An Introduction to Back Pain
Rehabilitation following low back pain
The multidimensional nature of low back pain
Association with pain and pathology
Treatment options for patients with pain
CHAPTER 6 Musculoskeletal System: Considerations and Interventions for Specific
Motor adaptation to pain
- Pain: why and how does it hurt?
The brain corrects the spinal cord
Treating someone in pain-a complex system requires a comprehensive approach
The brain is different in those with persistent pain
What is pain?
What is nociception? Clue-nociception is not pain!
- Beware: conditions that masquerade as sports injuries
Conditions masquerading as sports injuries
How to recognise a condition masquerading as a sports injury
Influence of fatigue on running biomechanics
Clinical significance of scapular biomechanics in shoulder injuries
Foot orthoses
17.Treatment of sports injuries
Acute injury management
Medications for neuropathic pain and central sensitisation
Therapeutic medication in musculoskeletal injury
Discover the exact circumstances of the injury
Other injuries
History of a previous similar injury
History of exercise-induced anaphylaxis
Attempt to reproduce the patient's symptoms
• Painful arc syndrome
- Principles of sports injury rehabilitation
Phase 4: Prevention of re-injury
Interplay between motor control and biology of pain
12 Preventing injury
Preventing overuse injuries
Injury mechanisms
Preventing hamstring strains
Preventing ankle sprains
Natural grass versus artificial turf
The relationship between load and injury
Nutritional strategies to prevent stress fractures
Injury mechanisms
Preventing acute knee injuries
- Biomechanical aspects of injury in specific sports
- Sports Injuries
4.Sports injuries: overuse
Pain: where is it coming from?
Classification of bone stress injuries
Principles of rehabilitating lower limb tendinopathy
Symptomatic treatment for jet lag
Return to Play after a Concussion
Prevention of jet lag
Lessons from around the world
Quotation sources
Previous injury
Injury surveillance
Assessment of known injuries and illnesses
Section 2. Management of Musculoskeletal Conditions
Injury prevalence in multisport endurance events
40 Rehabilitation of the Patient with Rheumatic Diseases