Con: In my human experience, as much as secularists intend on alienating themselves from a concept of a deity, we do in fact believe in multiple gods. Freedom, equality, care, communication, development. This moral list goes on. However, the issue with having many or even worshiping many such gods is we don’t know who or what our allegiances are devoted to, and to what end. Yet, despite these innocuous gods having an aura of goodness and beneficence about them, we face possible condemnation if we were to show even the slightest objection to care and development. Whilst I, 27 year old male, consider myself only a little seedling compared to our ever increasing ageing global population, I can only imagine how difficult it is to advocate for multiple moral values competing against both our intrapersonal beliefs and interpersonal views divergent from others. Apply that to every single person on planet earth. Exponentially chaotic.