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EY W2 social cognitions + attributiuons studies - Coggle Diagram
EY W2 social cognitions + attributiuons studies
Aschs configuration model
2 types of important traits
central traits- main traits of a person. most important ones (ethncity), have bigger impact on our evaluation of a person
peripheral traits- have insignificant infleunce on impression, can observe but dont pay much attention
Rothbert- changing schemas
bookkeeping- slow change in the face of accumulating evidence
conversion- sudden and massive change once a critical mass of disconfirming evidence has accumulated
subtyping- schemas morph into a subcategory to accomodate disconfirming evidence
Tajfel 1957- preceptual accentuation
process of categorisation might be responsible for sterotyping; making judgement on some focal dimension, people rely on any other peripheral dimension that might help; basic feature of how the mind makes sense of the world
Heider 1958- theory of naive psychology
3 principles
behaviour is motivated- look for cuase of other peoples behaviour in order to discover their motives
we identify stable and enduring properties of the world
we differntiate betweeen personal (internal) and environmental (external) causalities
Weiner 1979- attribution theory
success or failure on a task leads us to make an attribution
stability- succcess/failure is fairly premanent or unstable
locus of causality- factor is external/internal to the individual
controllability- factors is/isnt under individuals control