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Economy and Environment. images - Coggle Diagram
Economy and Environment.
The Economy
Condition in which resources are limited in relation to human needs and desires.
It begins with ancient civilizations that developed trade and currency. Then came the theories of classical economists and Marxism. Later, neoclassicism and Keynesianism emerged.
The Market and its Forces
Quantity of goods or services that producers are willing to offer on the market at different prices.
The Market
Space where supply and demand for goods and services meet, facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers.
Monetary value at which a good or service is exchanged, determined by the interaction of supply and demand.
Factors of Production
Financial Resources
They are essential to finance productive, investment and consumption activities.
It involves tools and processes that increase productivity and efficiency in production.
Physical Resources
They are natural elements used in economic production. They are divided into renewable and non-renewable.
Its efficient management is essential to optimize production and reduce costs.
Economic News
Terra Capital Fund
Established in 1998, this private venture capital fund finances small and medium-sized businesses in Latin America that meet ecological criteria related to biodiversity conservation.
FOMIN and TNC Eco Empresas Fund
Established in 1998, this venture capital fund supported by FOMIN and The Nature Conservancy focuses on ecologically responsible businesses in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Green Funds
Dutch Development Bank (FMO)