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Changing morals by Seneca, key - Coggle Diagram
Changing morals by Seneca
Phrase 1
num iam ulla repudio erubescit
Is there now any women ashamed of divorce
num - whether
iam- now
ulla - any
repudio - divorce
erubescit - ashamed
phrase 6
quamdiu rarum erat
for as long as it was unusual
phrase 10
postquam eo ventum est ut nulla virum habeat nisi ut adulterum irritet
phrase 15
nisi apud alium gestata est apud alium mansit
phrase 17
quae nesciat matrimonium vocari unum adulterium
phrase 4
nubunt repudii?
marry again?
phrase 2
postquam feminae quaedam illustres ac nobiles non consulum numero
After some distinguished and noble women count their age not by the number of consuls
postquam - after
femiinae - women
quaedam - some
illustres - distinguished
ac - and
nobiles - noble
1 more item...
phrase 13
ut illi satis sit unum adulterorum par
phrase 8
quod saepe audiebant id facere didicerunt
that which they were hearing about often they have learnt to do
phrase 11
pudicitia argumentum est deformitatis
phrase 9
num iam ullus adulterii pudor est
Phrase 5
tamdiu istuc timebatur
there was a fear of that
phrase 7
quia nulla sine divortia acta sunt
since no event is ever complete without divorce
phrase 14
nisi singulis divisit horas et non sufficit dies omnibus
phrase 16
infrunita et antiqua est
phrase 3
sed maritorum annos suos computant et exeunt matrimonii causa
but by that of their husbands now that they leave their homes in order to
phrase 12
quam invenies tam miseram tam sordidam
Phrase number
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phrase/line translation
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english translation
Latin line